Nuns also rely on their kitchen gardens to grow vegetables for daily meals. A woman from the aristocracy, at least in most cases, really had only two options in life: marry a man who could support her or join a nunnery. This is the Poor Clares greatest privilege and joy and she remains fully aware of her awesome responsibility. Technically, a nun can break her vows and/or leave the order whenever she wants. Nuns mostly only accept cash as payment for prayers and hymns, although some do secretly sell Girl Scout Cookies under the guise of religious paraphernalia.. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. In the monastic tradition of the Poor Clares there has never been a distinction between Choir Nuns and Lay Sisters; rather, all help with the humble tasks and give themselves with generosity wherever help is needed. The Sisters participate in this august mystery from their Mass Choir,which is separated from the main Chapel by an enclosure grille because of their hidden life of seclusion. There are a variety of opinions on whether cloistered nuns are permitted to eat meat. During this time they can play board games, go for walks or simply exchange stories and enjoy each others' company. Outside of fasts, our meals include dairy products, eggs and fish. Nuns also eat chocolate particularly nuns that are younger and American. At present (2005), this may well be true. Special interests include art, architecture, and discovering the ideas that all civilizations share. Some orders also give up chocolate since it was once seen as a luxury and thus was prohibited for those who do not have money to spare. At 5:00 a.m. the silence of the early hours of the morning is broken when the bell sounds for rising. What foods would a monk or nun eat? "The Daily Life of Medieval Nuns." Long tunics are typically paired with a veil to cover their whole body save for the face. If time is used well, there will be everlasting happiness and bliss untold! Other nuns may choose to spend time alone with God in their cells. Web1 For the daily meals, whether at noon or in mid-afternoon, it is enough, we believe, to provide all tables with two kinds of cooked food because of individual weaknesses. Our Extern Sisters, however, are the special guardians of the enclosure. Thus, beer was widely preferred. Nuns are not required to wear anything specific underneath their heavy woolen habits, with some wearing normal underwear and others wearing t-shirts and shorts. Patronage from rich and noble families also allowed many nunneries to acquire land and other properties. The particular rules for each convent vary, so what nuns eat is not universal, but it shapes how these rules are set in place. Those living outside of monasteries may continue their daily work through this period. The long tunic was typical attire, with a veil to cover all but the face as a symbol of her role as a 'Bride of Christ'. Young girls were sent by their parents to nunneries in order to gain an education the best one available. Sisters, on the other hand, take vows which are much simpler. WebWhat type of diet do monks eat? Since orders can determine their own guidelines, theres no single set of rules that all nuns must follow. From there many other orders of medieval nuns were established. Different orders abide by different rules and have different expectations for their members. Such taverns are never told its a nunnery pub crawl day, or they would miss out on all of the cheap drinks they make off the nuns. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Religious practice in medieval Europe (c. 476-1500) was dominated A medieval monastery was an enclosed and sometimes remote community Monasticism in Western Medieval Europe | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Sometimes, they also receive pieces of jewelry and other valuable items that the girl owns. Different orders abide by different rules and have different expectations for their members. Daily Horarium. A female monastery had much the same architectural layout that a male monastery had except that the buildings were laid out in a mirror image. The daily routine of a nun was much like a monk's: she was required to attend various services throughout the day and say prayers for those in the outside world in particular for the souls of those who had made donations to the nunnery. Yes, there are several different kinds of nuns. All for Love, All for Jesus are the frequent aspirations that fill her mind while at work. Fish was smoked and meat dried to increase their longevity. Others may only wear a t-shirt and shorts. Help us and translate this article into another language! WebThe purpose of Carmelite life is precise. With praise I will awake the dawn, sings the Psalmist and the nuns likewise, by their wholehearted praise of the Creator, anticipate all of creation, which is just awakening from sleep. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. The time of Mass varies, according to whether it is being celebrated in our oratory or at Belmont Abbey or one of the local parishes. She earned a M.A. G Pramod Kumar April 05, 2012 17:21:15 IST. Fortunately, theyve left behind a plethora of written records giving us a glimpse of what life was like for a medieval nun. After this, they occupy themselves with various works within the convent. You asked what is in a Trappist monks cell, and what type of diet the monks eat. Nuns also rely on their kitchen gardens to grow vegetables for daily meals. According to the Carmelite Nuns in Great Britain, this work varies from monastery to monastery. For the contemplative, it is not a matter of material gain; rather, all time is at the service of God. The process itself varies from order to order. We all know that women in the middle ages dont have the same rights as men. Its been so long ago that the line separating fact from fiction has blurred. Nunneries were able to support themselves through donations of land, houses, money & goods from wealthy benefactors. What do Carmelite nuns eat? They may read or do some quiet work before they lie down on their straw mattresses or thin rug mats for a few hours of peaceful slumber only to rise again at 12:30 a.m. for a new day of Poor Clare life in Corpus Christi Monastery. Most nuns live a very simple life, and their diet is no exception. The Theosis Christian Project (TCP) is a ministry working to advance the interests of Apostolic Christianity. We observe the fast and abstinence directed by Our Holy Mother St. Teresa in the Carmelite Rule and Constitutions. The Blessed Sacrament is again exposed and the Divine Service is carried out with the greatest possible devotion and the very greatest reverence they should maintain there a humble and respectful attitude, and observe a profound silence. The Funeral Industry promoted embalming and viewings as ways of showing the right amount of respect to a body, as well as establishing a clear identity for a body, to ensure that those viewing a body A body at a funeral home can be stored briefly, embalmed, restored, decorated, dressed, or cremated. WebNuns can eat plants (& fruits), grains (barley, maize, wheat), nuts & seeds, which makes veganism very easy. Therefore the Sisters work in silence, communing with God alone, listening to Him and responding to His voice by the love with which they carry out their work, prayers and sacrifices. Young girls were sent by their parents to nunneries in order to gain an education the best one available to girls in the medieval world or simply because the family had such a number of daughters that marrying them all off was an unlikely possibility. The work of the Carmelite nun is to labor for souls, to pray and perform penance for those who will not pray or do penance for themselves. 6.00 a.m. Vigils, the first of the day's offices or services, a mixture of psalms and scriptures. After Mass, nuns in monasteries eat breakfast as a group. Nuns are not required to wear anything specific underneath their heavy woolen habits, with some wearing normal underwear and others wearing t-shirts and shorts. Gene is currently pursuing his doctorate in systems engineering at an engineering college in the Ozarks. Afterwards we each begin our work for the day, not forgetting the housework. 3). After dinner, they attend the last service of the day called Compline before going to bed. Instead of going out into public with an asking for charity, they stay home and continue to help others through prayer even if their bodies are weak. On some occasions, we have special treats like sweets, chocolate and ice cream. There might also be hired female and even male labourers for essential daily tasks. Fish was smoked and meat dried to increase their longevity. WebBreakfast is usually eaten before or after Lauds. The veil hid the nun's hair which had to be kept cut short. November 13, 2022 by Meals are simple but nutritious, consisting of such foods as bread, cheese, eggs, fish, vegetables and fruit. Even though the veil covers their hair, most orders require nuns to cut their hair short. She accepted everything from the Father in union with the infinite thanks of the only begotten Son., The remaining hours of the morning until 11:40 a.m. are spent in some manual work. We really are normal people who live a fairly normal, interesting life - Two others, a former nun and priest, had caused controversy with their books earlier. 17 Apr 2023. WebDo nuns eat meat? Their main foodstuffs included vegetables such as turnips or salad, dark breads, porridges, an occasional fish, cheese curds, beer, ale, or mead. Sometimes an egg or cereal, for example, is served in place of the cheese. The cloistered nun stands before the Throne of Mercy representing the entire Body of Christ. World History Encyclopedia. Like male monasteries, nunneries were able to support themselves through donations of land, houses, money and goods from wealthy benefactors, from income from those estates and properties via rents and agricultural products, and through royal tax exemptions. A nun is a member of a religious community (usually a woman) who commits to a life of faith, poverty, and chastity. They follow a strict prayer schedule from morning till before they sleep in the evening. _ God bless you, and thank you for contacting us at Below are just a few of the most common restrictions nuns (especially within the Christian tradition) have to follow: Nuns who have taken solemn vows tend to live in cloistered communities. 2 Mid-Morning Around 9 a.m., Catholic nuns begin their daily work. A nun was expected to wear simple clothing as a symbol of her shunning of worldly goods and distractions. There is no time to get bored as one postulant told her family when asked if she ever found the monastic life monotonous. Retired nuns may choose to stay in their order (some orders have retirement lodging just for this purpose), or they may live in an outside retirement home or with their families. in History in 2012. We, the Lay Cistercians of South Florida, are a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. We care about our planet! While some say that nuns are allowed to eat meat so long as it is not during Lent, others believe that cloistered nuns are not allowed to eat meat at all. Peasants did not eat much meat. It is a life of prayer and sacrifice for the sanctification of priests and the salvation of souls. Many medieval nuns also wear a crucifix on top of their tunics. 23). Then at 5:30 a.m. the Sisters gather promptly in Choir for the morning Angelus follows by Lauds(Morning Prayer). It is in this way that the nuns whole life becomes one great Thanksgiving. Pope John Paul II write of our Holy Mother Saint Clare: her whole life was a Eucharist because from her cloister she raised up a continual thanksgiving to God in her prayer, praise, supplication, intercession, weeping, offering and sacrifice. WebBreakfast is usually eaten before or after Lauds. As a result, they had a diet consisting primarily of vegetables and bread, which was occasionally supplemented by dried and smoked meat and fish. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. WebWe eat normal food - we have a vegan Sister who makes her own meals - we have chicken and pork and potatoes and rice and vegetables and fruit and pizza and hamburgers - just not all at the same time. G Pramod Kumar April 05, 2012 17:21:15 IST. Nuns and monks eat relatively simple diets in accordance with the fasting rules of their respective traditions. Matins Laud, the first service of the day, usually starts at 2:00 in the morning. WATCH:Patricia Bosworth & Audrey Hepburn in 1959 classic The Nun's Story. Why Do Funeral Homes Wrap Bodies in Plastic? They live in convents and nunneries which in itself is a community of sorts. They would then meet to read the bible or read the writings of saints. Peasants did not eat much meat. There are also opportunities for further study since as Benedictines we prize learning. They may read or do some quiet work before they lie down on their straw mattresses or thin rug mats for a few hours of peaceful slumber only to rise again at 12:30 a.m. for a new day of Poor Clare life in Corpus Christi Monastery. Some in really warm climates actually do not wear anything. The Sisters shall fast at all times. This fast which our Holy Rule prescribes consists of refraining from taking any food between meals and Lenten fare which traditionally means that breakfast and the evening refection together do not equal the main meal at noon. Any willing person can sample our dishes at our monastic cafe. Sometimes they will have special guests from other communities over for dinner, and its not unusual to see them sharing recipes. Alexandra Corbella has been writing for more than 10 years. But theres actually a major difference between the two. According to "The New York Times," the daily work of nuns who do not live in monasteries will vary based on their congregation. Large nunneries also have libraries, schools, hospitals and even guesthouses. Their main foodstuffs included vegetables such as turnips or salad, dark breads, porridges, an occasional fish, cheese curds, beer, ale, or mead. Saint Francis of Assisi (c. 1181-1260 CE) famously established one of these mendicant (begging) orders, the Franciscans, which was then imitated by the Dominicans (c. 1220 CE) and subsequently by the Carmelites (late 12th century CE) and Augustinians (1244 CE). Cartwright, M. (2018, December 19). Nuns took vows of chastity, renounced worldly goods and devoted themselves to prayer, religious studies and helping society's most needy. Do Cloistered Nuns Eat Meat? And she understands clearly that those who become the property of God become Gods gift to all (Verbi Sponsa, no. After dinner there is a half-hour period of general work. We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida. Their lives are dedicated to prayer and religious study. This is followed by lunch. Nuns join orders or congregations these are usually sects within a religion. Breakfast for nuns in the middle ages usually consists of beer and bread. Nuns are not required to wear anything specific underneath their heavy woolen habits, with some wearing normal underwear and others wearing t-shirts and shorts. Many kept a pig or two but could not often afford to kill one. If the answer is yes, she will be rejected.. They must also abstain from eating meat on Wednesdays and Fridays. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. In most cases, this means giving up your personal possessions (and any sense of ownership) and share what you have with your community. Nuns are required to be either unmarried virgins or widows. One of the most prodigious such authors was the German Benedictine abbess Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179 CE). It is perhaps important to remember that, in any case, the medieval monastic life for men and women was remarkably similar, as the historian A. Diem here notes: medieval monastic life emerged as a sequence of uni-sex models. Beef and cold cuts are never served, but a freshly baked dessert is available with every meal in addition to cookies kept in a jar. WebDuring the Middle Ages, cloistered religious communities usually survived on what they could make or grow themselves or what was donated by their local communities. For example, certain Christian and Buddhist congregations require their nuns to be single, without children, and without debt. A novice might also be an aged person looking to settle down to a contemplative and secure retirement or wanting to enroll simply to prepare themselves for the next life before time ran out. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources. Many kept a pig or two but could not often afford to kill one. Devoting the morning to prayer in this way allows Catholic nuns to begin every day with Jesus Christ in the forefront of their minds. Whether hanging the laundry on wash day, answering the phone or the door bells, cooking, sweeping, sewing, gardening or painting, the Poor Clare Nun is motivated by love and therefore no task is too burdensome nor any sacrifice too great. WebWhat do monks and nuns eat? Depending on local custom, some people replace this with vegetarianism during the lent time, making it vegan year-round for many Buddhists & Hindus because many staple foods are already vegan. Do Carmelite nuns eat meat? Nuns were fairly poor so they ate barley breads, rye bread, oats, soups and strews. Let the Sisters keep silence from the hour of Compline until Terce, let them also continually keep silence in the Church, the dormitory and the refectory while they are eating, says our Holy Rule. The heart of the complex was still the cloister which ran around an open space and to which were attached most of the important buildings such as the church, the refectory for communal meals, kitchens, accommodation and study areas. The rules and lifestyle within a nunnery were very similar to those in a male monastery. Web. Some nuns, especially those that live in colder climates, may wear regular clothing under their habits. A nun was expected to wear simple clothing as a symbol of her shunning of worldly goods and distractions. They could also grow vegetables and fruit in the nunnery gardens. According to legend, Benedict had a twin sister, Saint Scholastica, and she founded monasteries for women. Vespers(Evening Prayer) is chanted at 4:30 p.m. Any willing person can sample our dishes at our monastic cafe. First, nuns are divided by religion Christianity (specifically Catholicism), Buddhism, and other religions may have their own nun communities. link to Where Do Funeral Homes Store Bodies? In the monastery everything is directed to the search of the face of God, everything is reduced to the essential, because the only thing that matters is what leads to Him (Pope John Paul II). In the Roman Catholic Church, nuns are often publicly identified as virgins. _ God bless you, and thank you for contacting us at Mark is a full-time author, researcher, historian, and editor. The closest they come is that nuns must agree to abstain from sex, marriage, and having children. Becoming a nun is a major life decision you shouldnt take lightly after all, it involves giving up the world you know for a lifetime of devotion, prayer, and celibacy. WebDuring the Middle Ages, cloistered religious communities usually survived on what they could make or grow themselves or what was donated by their local communities. WebNuns can eat plants (& fruits), grains (barley, maize, wheat), nuts & seeds, which makes veganism very easy. However, nuns do not wear habits when they go to sleep. See disclaimer. At around seven in the morning, Prime (the second service of the day) starts. Many convents have guest houses or hostels where nuns can stay if they need care or shelter. This would be followed by Tierce, the third service of the day. They dont normally drink alcohol either. Catholic Prayers For Protection From Evil, 9 Catholic Saints To Pray To For Fertility, Signal Graces: What They Are and How To Spot Them, 7 Saints Considered to be the Patron of Sailors, Catholic Prayers to Restore a Childs Health. What do the different styles of nuns habits mean? The Poor Clare nuns entire day is punctuated by the different hours of the Divine Office in order constantly to return praise to the Blessed Trinity and to sanctify each passing moment. Nuns also rely on their kitchen gardens to grow vegetables for daily meals. (,, A day at the Convent Life with the Nuns in Zouk Mikael; A Memorable Day! It can range from tilling the fields, cooking in the kitchen, cleaning the washroom or making things in the workshops. Monastics often live on donations and the profit from selling goods produced in the monastery, so affordable foods such as potatoes, rice, and cheap meat are common fare. Their main foodstuffs included vegetables such as turnips or salad, dark breads, porridges, an occasional fish, cheese curds, beer, ale, or mead. A nun's story: sex, affairs and priests you can't refuse. We want people all over the world to learn about history. This is followed by an hour when they return to their chambers and participate in private prayer and reflection. Medieval Food for Peasants They ate a kind of stew called pottage made from the peas, beans and onions that they grew in their gardens. Where do nuns live? After a year or so, they take simple vows to become a nun. As a result, they had a diet consisting primarily of vegetables and bread, which was occasionally supplemented by dried and smoked meat and fish. 7.15 a.m. Lauds or Morning Prayer, sung in English. WebWhat do monks and nuns eat? The day of the Poor Clare nun begins at 12:30 a.m. when the Sister designated as Caller knocks on each cell door to summon her sisters to prayer. Nun of Monza by Giuseppe MolteniMark Cartwright (CC BY-NC-SA). Daily Horarium. While some say that nuns are allowed to eat meat so long as it is not during Lent, others believe that cloistered nuns are not allowed to eat meat at all. Also, sisters mostly focus on works of mercy like charity, outreach, and evangelism. The monks diet was likely similar to nuns because both follow the same catechisms & worship the same God though monks are stricter in many ways & follow more rules than nuns do. They will often do so during happy hour, an everyday occurrence in small taverns near nun communities. The nuns, clothed in the religious habit adapted for the night, rise in silence like the wise Virgins always ready and waiting for the call: The Bridegroom is here, come out to meet Him!At 12:45 a.m. the Sisters assemble in Office Choir (the Sisters chapel) for the Hour of Matins(Office of Readings). What do nuns wear under the habit? Catholic nuns, as decreed by Pope Francis, are not allowed to use smartphones or social media. This way, they are separated from society and can commit to a religious life without distraction. Read and learn about hide Read and learn about hide Where do they go after retirement? Even if the flavors aren't spectacular, there are almost always second helpings. She has been published everywhere from the "The Collector" to popular blogs like Beauty Collection and Collective310. In exchange, the convent receives a dowry from their parents meant for the girls upkeep. It's clear that eating is, for these women, a joy. They were placed in the convents by their families. These duties vary from dust-mopping the corridors or sweeping the refectory and stairs, to opening windows to air the house, dusting Choir or making preparations for breakfast. Cite This Work The food is donated by members of the congregation and people in their communities. From 1 to 2 p.m., nuns living within monasteries enjoy recreation. St. Teresas special insight and wisdom in creating a healthy balance among prayer, work, recreation and rest is evident throughout the daily schedule she decided on for her nuns. As a minimum, we are committed to two half hours of contemplative prayer every day (more on feast days) and at least half an hour of 'lectio divina' or prayerful reading. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. WebEven though Christian norms for food are not as sharply and uniformly codified as in other faiths, Christians have used food and its associative practices in a wide variety of ways to shape, strengthen and spread the faith. 9:30 a.m. Cartwright, Mark. Nuns follow a vegan version of the Christian monastic diet. From the vows they make, to what goes on in their daily life, this article will deal with all of the interesting facts about nunhood. What do nuns wear under the habit? Commonly grown vegetables are turnips, parsnips, legumes, onions, leeks, and mint among others. In a world where time is money, the Monastic culture grasps a deeper reality. We also try to fit in a walk with Bro Dyfrig BFdeB, successor to Bro Duncan PBGV, the monastery dog. You must take a vow of poverty, which means you must live a simple life. We really are normal people who live a fairly normal, interesting life - When we go to Belmont or one of the nearby parishes for Mass, there may be timetable adjustments, especially if Mass is in the evening. WebDuring fasts, our diets are egg and milk-free. Nuns were fairly poor so they ate barley breads, rye bread, oats, soups and strews. Afterwards we each begin our work for the day, not forgetting the housework. The long tunic was typical attire, with a veil to cover all but the face as a symbol of her role as a 'Bride of Christ'. Before modern farming existed, monasteries were self-sufficient, growing all their vegetables, milling their flour, and baking bread. Web1 For the daily meals, whether at noon or in mid-afternoon, it is enough, we believe, to provide all tables with two kinds of cooked food because of individual weaknesses. One of the nuns is appointed as reader and reads aloud from the biography of some saint, a reflection on the days Gospel or perhaps some other text of a religious or edifying nature. A medieval nuns daily life is generally austere, particularly for the Cistercians. There are a variety of opinions on whether cloistered nuns are permitted to eat meat. Related Content Outside of fasts, our meals include dairy products, eggs and fish. They care for the external services of the monastery but observe the same form of life as the cloistered nuns in all things except the vow of enclosure. Afterwards we each begin our work for the day, not forgetting the housework. According to the Dominican Monastery of St. Jude, most nuns in monasteries rise around 5 a.m. to prepare for reading of morning prayer. Sister Mary, who left her Catholic congregation in Kerala 13 years ago after 40 years of nunhood, is likely to raise her storm with her book on the church. A meditative start to the day. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Indeed, some of the most famous ascetics of that period were women, including the reformed prostitute Saint Mary of Egypt (c. 344-c. 421 CE) who famously spent 17 years in the desert. Daily Horarium. Each moment is a means to a far greater end and, therefore, every moment counts. Nuns who do become pregnant were either raped or had consensual sex with priests; this would make them guilty of preferring the company of men over God, which is a serious offense in the Catholic Church. Many kept a pig or two but could not often afford to kill one. WATCH:Jimmy Fallon talks about how his mum Gloria was a nun. The order known as Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus insists that its members must continue to be virgins through their period of novitiates and then until death. Welcoming the Word in faith and adoring in silence, they put themselves at the service of the Mystery of the Incarnation, and united to Christ Jesus in His offering of Himself to the Father they become co-workers in the Mystery of Redemption (Verbi Sponsa, no. It symbolizes their role as a bride of Christ. At 1:45 a.m. the Divine Office and a period of meditation come to a close and the Sisters retire to their cells for about three more hours of sleep. At 3 p.m., nuns engage in None, or midafternoon prayer. It is a life of prayer and sacrifice for the sanctification of priests and the salvation of souls. In the evening, nuns participate in Vespers, or evening prayer. Their only sweet food was the berries, nuts and honey that they collected from the woods. The solitary cell, the closed cloister, are the place where the nun, bride of the Incarnate Word, lives wholly concentrated with Christ in God (Verbi Sponsa, no. Daily meditation on the Stations of the Cross is a Franciscan tradition and some may choose to take their quiet time in Choir for this purpose. In his book The Rite of Sodomy, former American Roman Catholic priest Randy Engel states that it is a matter of official policy in many seminaries to inquire whether a woman candidate for admission as a nun was sexually active before her first communion. Cross checking reputable sources month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach,.! Of opinions on whether cloistered nuns are permitted to eat meat to religious... Is generally austere, particularly for the sanctification of priests and the salvation of.! But theres actually a major difference between the two kept cut short kept a pig two... 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Of morning prayer during this time they can play board games, go for walks or simply stories... To nunneries in order to gain an education the best one available the Roman Catholic Church, do... The early hours of the Christian monastic diet are almost always second helpings very simple life, and without.... Mostly focus on works of Mercy representing the entire body of Christ: Jimmy talks... Person can sample our dishes at our monastic cafe in this way, they also pieces... Without children, and mint among others life, and mint among others body save for the girls upkeep meant. Styles of nuns meant for the day 's offices or services, a nun go after retirement to wear clothing... In systems engineering at an engineering college in the kitchen, cleaning the washroom or making in! By members of the Christian monastic diet board games, go for walks or simply exchange stories and enjoy others! Their lives are dedicated to prayer, religious studies and helping society most! 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Where nuns can stay if they need care or shelter going to bed they also receive pieces jewelry... Take a vow of poverty, which means you must live a life.

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