ALSO, THE PERSON THAT HANDLED MY CALL SHOULD BE FIRED FOR LAUGHING AT FRUSTRATED CUSTOMERS AND BEING RUDE ONLY THROWING GAS ON A FIRE THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE! At least now I know whats going on. I write this on my fourth day of NS, and I am experiencing increasing nausea, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Im in bed as Im typing this response in great discomfort from using Nutrisystem. That being said, the results are very well worth any short term discomfort. . If it made you sick, how dare they try to charge you to cancel? My son and I regularly donate to food banks, etc., but I would not do that to anyone. Although its not a pleasant topic, and the reaction to Malitol is certainly unpleasant, its good to know that my family is not alone in such negative experience with sugar alcohols, Malitol in particular. I will try to restrict calories on my own. How that works: When you eat food, it travels to your small intestine where most of it is absorbed. They did offer to let me send back the new box of food, and any food unopened for full refund. I will NOT be eating any more food from NS not ever! They are both getting chemotherapy. It just says sugars. When people make dietary changes like giving up meat, dairy, switching from eggs to egg whites or adopting a fully plant-based diet, it can result in a whole . THey also said that they would put those foods on a 72 hour recall? Both . She didnt say anything to that. I almost called an ambulance! He now has stage 4 stomach cancer that we are battling. Now I find this!! Then my younger daughter joined the conversation affirming she, too, had a problem with Malitol. In addition, my husband and my sister started suffering from high blood pressure after eating the gazillion amounts of sodium in that food. I joined NutriSystem in March of this year, almost 6 months now. It is a shame, because there are tons of these alcohol sweetened items in each shipment, and if you are susceptible to the ingredients, you can get sick easily. tightness, churning, cramping, knots in the stomach. Both sensors have been clinically studied and are recognized by the National Institutes of Health, so I'd trust them if I had a gluten or peanut allergy. Over the weekend I bought other items to offset the NS with, such as applesauce, chicken salad, prepackaged jello, etc., and will be doing a combination of NS and other foods. Thanks for your article and sharing your experience. Studies show that short sleep duration alters the levels of important digestive hormones and that poor sleep harms the healthy bacteria in your microbiome. For example, the very thought of eating can release the stomach's juices before food gets there. Perhaps not the easiest option, but definitely the most accessible, food journaling is a tried-and-true way to understand your body. And oy, did they start! I can barely stand myself. If you are going from a diet full of nearly 2,000 calories and you are cutting it down to a caloric deficit, you will experience side effects. However, to help control hunger, many of the meal items are high in fiber. Your first week or two will be priming your body to enter a fat-burning state. However, before starting any diet or changing your eating habits, its important to consider the potential problems, symptoms, and side effects that might occur. I feel nauseated and lethargic all the time. I was up reading it at 3:00 am as I had the most severe heartburn ever. There is no evidence that Nutrisystem causes cancer. This means we may sometimes get a commission through purchases made after clicking links on our website. Anyway , a year later I said enough is enough! Nutrisystem understands fibers benefits, and thats why its food is relatively high in it. I canceled the program immediately. Therefore, you can expect to experience some of the common benefits associated with low carbohydrate diets. Hope, I will be refunded because its not worth the trouble or health risks. Well today after eating only Nutrisystem food I searched on line for its side effects. If you subscribe to only one CNET newsletter, this is it. I *fully* expect readers to have kinds of smart-assedummm.humorous comments on this. If those individuals are trained to express compassion for someones difficulties, and empowered to implement a quick solution, then you end up with positive PR. The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Meredith Bandy It is a crime that they do not put warnings on their products. Upper GI issues often cause heartburn and pain or discomfort in the stomach or chest. You eat real food but you learn portion control and they highly recommend exercise and water intake to help you lose your weight. Nutrisystem is a popular diet built around the monthly delivery of their packaged, pre-portioned meals. Most of the time, no one thing triggers gastrointestinal problems, and often, GI symptoms aren't spontaneous. Im canceling my program tomorrow, and just eating healthy and in smaller portions. Since I never was able to gain access to my account, I called NutriSystem ready and willing to cancel my subscription/plan due to the frustration and increasing anger. While fiber is an essential component of a well-optimized diet, getting too much of a good thing is rarely a good thing. I noticed after two days of eating from its Fast Five box I purchased from Wal Mart some discomfort. Jeff, thanks for your comment. If you are thinking about following the Nutrisystem diet, keep in mind you may or may not experience some of the side effects listed above. When she's not busy writing she enjoys spending time with her family, usually doing something active and fun. Ordered from qvc. The Aire supposedly works especially well for four of the FODMAPs, a certain type of carbohydrate that many people can't digest properly. I had a big problem with sugar-free cookies several years ago. If you have a hard time eating first thing in the morning, try taking your vitamins in the evening, with dinner, instead. It comes in powdered form to be mixed in water. Now Im afrsid to continue in fear Ill just get worse. Antibiotics can upset the natural balance of bacteria in your stomach. Now I just shop correctly, eat the right portions and hit the gym to maintain my weight! And at least I got a good blog post/case history out of this experience. Stopped using their food in the beginning of December. Joseph S. Enoch. Has this happen to any else? FOR A MOMENT??? Ive remained healthy and not had anymore tumors. I called to cancel after I read it. Ive been trying to find statistics about the commonality of sensitivity to Malitol and other sugar alcohols. How about getting rid of those toxic ingredients and using plain sugar in lower quantities as I am now doing. Despite the diet being very effective at helping reduce fat and overall weight loss and unhealthy blood pressure levels, you do need to be aware of some potential side effects. Eating foods high in fiber makes you feel less hungry, which is great for weight loss. From the first day, I had headaches, stomach pain, bloating, and severe gas just from those two little muffins! A blatant lie!!! This allows the natural bacteria in your digestive system to adjust to the changes you've made. I decided my health is the most important thing and nutrisystem clearly put that in harms way. In researching it further, it is actually monk fruit, which they give to people who are constipated to get things moving. We all stayed on the maintenance program for another year and a half and then went on our own. After reading all of these comments, I realize what it is. Instead, increase fiber gradually in your diet over a few weeks. Any of these seven elements could be affecting your digestion: Diet: Obviously, what you eat impacts your entire GI tract. Im sorry. I missed 2 weeks of work, 4 dr. visits and finally CT scan in the hospital all to figure out where this sudden dramatic abdominal pain was coming from. Nutrisystem helps you lose weight by providing you with its own foods so you don't have to do any counting or measuring. One of the side effects that may be more noticeable would be mood swings. Found vs Noom: Which Weight Loss Approach Works Better? And when your vitamin B12 levels are insufficient, your hair follicles might not be able to generate new hair effectively. While gas is the most common side effect of Nutrisystem's fiber-rich foods and probiotic shakes, other side effects include abdominal pain, stomach problems, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. In fact, many people who follow the Nutrisystem program experience little to no noticeable side effects at all. Ive lost a few lbs already and should be able to do this on my own without their food. Notice your abdomen area while on this should you still decide to give it a try. If an at-home test claims to report back true food allergies, it may be false advertising, as there's no scientific consensus that supports these methods. Today however is a completely different story, I get sick really easily and am very sensitive when it comes to my body so I know when something is up and today something was definitely wrong. We noticed that when we stopped eating nutrisystem foods all symptoms stopped, we called the company and asked what was going on with the food and we were told that probably it was due to the sugar alcohol that they now used and to give it a chance to kick in. We tried for another few months but I almost ended up in a hospital with dehydration from all the diarrhea and my husband missed many days of work because of the stomach cramps and excessive flatulence. Maybe a class action lawsuit is inorder. I am a vegetarian, and granted I would have a wider variety of foods were I not a vegetarian, but I was eating a lot cleaner before starting the program. I use some of your other publications and website as examples. They are welcomed!!]. I started with headache, bloating and stomach pain on day 2 when I was on Turbo takeoff, I stopped when I was on day 5 because of my symptoms got worse: severe headache, migraine, burning in my head, dizziness, disorientation, hard to concentrate and stomach pain. The FIRST sign of discomfort STOP before you end up in the hospital like I did! Jonathan, you may never see this reply because its now 2020 and I see most of the replies are from a much earlier time. As I sit here in my second week of NUTRISYSTEM feeling like I am giving birth to a Volkswagenhorrible stomach cramps for three days and the big D as well. There is clearly a break down in the process. The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Thats probably why some users complain in their reviews of feeling bloated and gassy on Nutrisystem. About 10 months later I began having unusual bleeding with my cycle, then excessive bleeding, then one day I was admitted for emergency surgery to remove an elongated dense tumor from my uterus that my doctor thought could have been growing for about a year. Dont be alarmed when you begin experiencing a slow-down in results as it is completely normal. Extreme diarrhea as well. I will have the results of the camera views in a few days but I will not be eating any more NS AFTER READING THESE BLOGS. I have become a full-blown farting machine! While most people shouldnt experience nausea while on the Nutrisystem diet, it is a possible reported side effect for some folks. Your digestive system includes your gastrointestinal tract -- your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus -- along with your liver, pancreas and gallbladder. Stomach cancer may cause symptoms similar to GI disorders. Nausea, heartburn, or bloating can have many causes, but for people with diabetes, these common digestion issues shouldn't be ignored. I thought maybe Im having more veggies/fruit causing the gas and bloating (though I do always eat lots of veggies and salad?) Weight Watchers is the way to go! Issues is putting it mildly. Sleep: Lack of sleep affects every part of your body, including your digestive system -- and all the hormones that dictate its functions. Broccoli. WOW. Food allergies occur when your body recognizes a food as an invader and sends antibodies to attack it, which often results in symptoms like hives and swelling. "Nutrisystem made me sick!" - Bad Nutrisystem Reviews Im using NS and started a week ago. It has been 2 days since I packed it all up and called it quits with Nutrisystem. I tried Nutrisystem for two months in October and November 2016 I had diarrhea and stomach problems the entire time. I ordered a months worth of Diabetes Uniquely Yours Plan Im not diabetic I was just hoping to avoid the blood sugar spikes and carb loaded crap. Cheese. It is April 28, I am just about done with week two after the Fast Five first week. NurtisystI had exactly the same as you did. They told me some people do experience same problems asi did but some do not. Again, check in with Nutrisystem if you experience constipation while following their diet. You can opt for a pen-and-paper food journal, or you can download an app. My original order had been placed by phone, and for the first couple of days I followed plan direction to the letter and found the food remarkably adequate in taste, which was OK with me, I didnt expect more. I completed my first day of nutrisystem today and am suffering from gas and stomach cramps. I had to force myself to eat due to extreme nausea. I would like a for the record comment from Nutrisystem about how and why I ended up on the short end of this arrangement, and what the company can do to make amends. Since Ive been on Nutrisystem, I have lost 35 pounds and have had just one IBS episode and that was when I ate some greasy eggs st a diner. Your body may need time to adjust to this healthy change in your diet; specifically to the increase in fiber. Do you happen to know of any websites to try? What a awful side effect. Here's why NSAIDs can cause stomach upset and more. (aka burping and farting) For help identifying your specific type of flatulence, click here. . About 15 years ago I went on Nutrisystem and in 3 months lost 15 pounds without any side effects . Tips to skip the stomach ache. My husband was on Nutrisystem for one year. I decided at the beginning of the year to start Nutrisystem around the beginning of May, in time for summer. I would never have ordinarily done this because I know how to cook healthy meals. As I am a widely published author, I wa already planning to write about my Nutrisystem experience it makes it a tax deduction amongst other benefits. It is still crazy to me that they can send full chicken breast with beans etc. The food is loaded with carbs and garbage! If you're not used to eating fiber, these foods may cause gas pain. Please answer this e-mail with a positive answer and not just an automated message. I did some online research and discovered, to my dismay, that this condition is so common for Nutrisystem customers that its even been given a name Nutritoots. Weight loss and malnutrition. My problem has always been portion control, so I thought NUTRISYSTEM would be the perfect answer. In fact, clinical data show that obesity is clearly linked to an overall increased risk of cancer. I had read about the gas and digestive issues and could handle them but NOT the searing heartburn. In some, foods with these chemicals can cause headaches and migraines [3]. This is nothing to be alarmed about as it is completely normal. You see, when you start Nutrisystem, you make the switch to foods that are generally low in calories and high in fiber. Many people with gastroparesis don't have any noticeable signs and symptoms. Consult your doctor before starting any weight-loss diet. These can irritate the stomach and may cause pain after eating. The condition is a malabsorption syndrome as the bacteria cause damage to the small intestine and create an environment in which they (the bacteria) preferentially absorb your nutrients. Wow was I surprised what came up. My younger daughter just wants to avoid eating much sugar. feeling nervous or anxious. She finally put me on hold and said I will put you on hold for a moment. Today by lunchtime my stomach was cramping horribly, I was nauseous, and the gas was extreme. A bunch of things need to go right for your digestive system to operate optimally: You need healthy colonies of gut bacteria, proper amounts of digestive enzymes and timely secretions of digestive hormones, among other things. Thank you for your post and the informative information. Im usually the type of person who goes all day without eating which is where my problem lies. Oh, and a big bonus: Nima sensors are FSA/HSA reimbursable. just had an endoscopy done today with a capsule camera placed in my small intestine to view the 21 feet of intestinal tract that can only be viewed that way. Probably I will stop tomorrow. My account was never closed by the representative. Cajun, Mexican, broccoli, cucumbers, peppers, no problem. Im miserable but at least I know the culprit of my pain. Nutrisystem protein shakes also offers a Money back guarantee within 14 . Water acts as a lubricant for all organ systems and helps your body maintain homeostasis. Most of the time, these symptoms are temporary. Headaches. Too much undigested food can cause high levels of fermentation, which can lead to digestive discomfort. If you do experience any side effects while following Nutrisystem, you should consult with your medical doctor, and also check in with Nutrisystem support staff, as theyre there to help on your weight loss journey. Want to lower your cancer risk? I tried several of the products in the 5day box and didnt connect the dots to NS rather thought it was additional veggies causing stomach and gass issues. I had to read the entire list of ingredients to see that I was indeed eating sugar alcohols. But thats what is happening. More specifically, we want to make sure that you get the foods that agree with you. YOUR SYSTEM WOULD NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING I DID AND I DID NOT CHANGED ANYTHING TO GAIN ACCES TO MY ACCOUNT!! I will post again once my results are in. They tell your organs what to do and when to do it. Ok I searched for Nutrisystem and digestive problems and found this blog. 8. The meals and snacks are small but nutrient-dense. So, dropping that extra weight should actually reduce your risk of many kinds of cancer. I tried NS because our brother-in-law had lost 50 lbs by using it. EverlyWell and other companies offer food sensitivity tests, but be wary if they claim to identify true food allergies. How embarrassing! Why the HECK dont you use a non-gas-producing sweetener like Splenda or Sevia? SIBO generally presents as bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain, although there are asymptomatic cases. I will research Maltitol and sugar alcohols; never used sugar alcohols before. The only reason Im loosing any weight is because I am on day 8 of extreme diarrhea. I have bloodwork done every 6 months due to osteoporosis. When to see a doctor People should not have to sacrifice their health (at a time when they are very vulnerable) in order to lose weight! You can see the ingredients and nutritional info for any Nutrisystem food from the Menu section of their website: If there are ingredients that you wish to limit or avoid, consider making substitutions in your menu. Gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances commonly include symptoms of stomach pain, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and vomiting. Possible symptoms that may indicate a problem with hormones include: 17. If this is how NutriSystem treats customers then I will certainly cancel my plan. Make more sense to take the time to make and eat food without artificial sweeteners and the like. This primarily comes down to your individual body type, your previous diet, your fitness levels, and other things that can influence your results. Normal Side Effects From Switching Diets, Within a few days, I started feeling completely different. So, what could be bad about that? I dont know rather to keep eating it because I spent so much money on it or if I should cancel. Crisis management pro Jonathan Bernstein takes a low blow from Nutrisystem foods, fights back. If the bad bugs outweigh the good ones, your risk for all kinds of digestive issues increases. What kind of poison they add to food??? The message I sent, when I felt a little more calm, has not been answered at all. I decided to order some test foods from Walmart to see how the food tasted before signing up with Nutrisystem. Talk to your doctor before starting any diet, and report any potentially serious side effects or discomfort right away. If you experience this, check in with Nutrisystem customer service and see what they suggest as a possible solution. I have been so sick and I live in the bathroom!!! I have also been on NutriSystem for three weeks. Honestly, just better product labeling would have allowed me to make a more informed decision. I am waiting for a reply but now I do not expect one. My cousin was on Nutrisystem and developed stomach cancer over a period of three months. I could have avoided the great discomfort altogether. I had and still have diverticulitis, looks like surgery is ahead for me. Let me tell you all. took 1 month off after my 1st 3 mo supply. Thank you, Jonathan!! Hi Jonathan. I hope this adds to your blog and maybe others will be made aware of the callousness of NutriSystem. Microbiome dysfunction: Your gut contains two kinds of bacteria: friendly and unfriendly. 2023, What Is BMI? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2017-2018, the prevalence of obesity was a staggering 42.4 percent [1]. Its crazy. If one tiny component goes wonky, you may experience a range of symptoms, including gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhea or acid reflux. Bilirubin, a compound made from digested red blood cells, is what gives poop its characteristic color. Absolutely, Valeri! These side effects can include fatigue, headaches, cramping, and more. All I ate of NS food was a muffin for breakfast for two days. It encourages you to eat every 2 to 3 hours in order to keep your metabolism revved up. Thank youand everyone else, for taking the time to share your story. Fiber can cause gas! This is typically what you should expect whenever you are switching to any kind of diet. I called and spoke to a counselor and told me it could be from the Sugar Alcohol and avoid certain foods. I gave read most of these comments and thought Id add another view. Yes, diet can affect the shape, form, and color of stool. If you arent sold on Nutrisystem you can consider a similar diet like South Beach (reviews, coupons). I would love to hear from anyone else that has been diagnosed with Stomach cancer from this stuff. There needs to be an official study to determine safety and if found to be the cause full compensation is warranted but how can anyone be compensated for such pain and suffering and/or ruined health ? Yes, I have gassiness but no bloating or cramps. Im switching to Weight Watchers. Because Nutrisystem sends you prepared foods, you should be mindful of their ingredients, especially if you have allergies or sensitivities to certain foods. No good plan for transitioning to real food. This may be because of nitrates, or could even be because you arent eating enough. Thanks again! Stress: You may not intuitively equate stress with an upset stomach, but research tells us that millions of neurons in your gut communicate with the billions of neurons in your brain along something called the gut-brain axis. I ended up having to throw rest of them out. Jayme. 2023, Nutrisystem for Men: Reviews, Menu + 50% Off 2023, How Much Nutrisystem Really Costs (Worth It?) One of them would be gastrointestinal distress which can include everything from bloating to cramping to constipation [4]. Causes an allergic reaction, such as hives and swelling, shortness of breath or wheezing. Im going out to get a Big Mac as an antidote. However, once your body becomes accustomed to the diet itself, the weight loss will stall and slow down. Some of the other symptoms that you can experience when you consume too much fiber can be caused by the fiber limiting the absorption of essential minerals. This call was made Thusday, July 26th at 4:02pm. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives. On you may find links to products and services. The sensors use antibody-based chemistry to detect traces of gluten protein down to 20 parts per million and peanut protein down to 10 parts per million. I also have a friend who did the program for one year and she has the same diagnosis. I had surgery to remove lumps and they were benign. For this reason, you are recommended to take a multi-vitamin along with the diet itself according to Nutrisystems website [5]. Unfortunately we didnt notice soon enough, and she was uncurable. thankfully I did not do the huge month box- just out about $90 for two weeks buying the 5day kits from Amazon. Then we learned that our brother-in-law gained most of the weight back. A couple of weeks and the problem was to the point of regular food would not stay in me. Does Nutrisystem have side effects? Another thing to be aware of would be the fact that you can expect to lose a good amount of weight during the initial stages of the diet. Want CNET to notify you of price drops and the latest stories? Have you had any tweets regarding this? Whoever the woman was that answered offered no help whatsoever and WOULD NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING I SAID AND WAS VERY RUDE! Since I started nutrisystem last month, Ive been having stomach cramps and a lot of gas. I have been on Weight Watchers for over a year and have lost and kept off 31 pounds but I sort of was at a stalemate with WW so I decided to try NS to lose the remaining 20 pounds. Especially those who have been diagnosed with cancer and those whove had to be hospitalized. The brain has a direct effect on the stomach and intestines. Well I have been spending this whole day home near the bathroom, after waking up 3 am with abdominal stress and discomfort . Inflammation: Inflammation is a leading cause of disease worldwide, and that also applies to digestive diseases. Its when customer experience falls below expectations set by the company that problems start. Here is the best deal now: *Related: Nutrisystem: Why you should skip both the 50% off and $249 special. Ive been put on a BRAT diet doctors orders and am taking pantoprozol for stomach cramping and IBS and diahrrhea. Nutrisystem Foods Now I know why. Tell them you will send the $125 fee through your lawyer as he investigates the case. So I started another course 3 days ago. If things are really off, you might experience. I have been on NS. Im going to finish this food because I joined for one month only and paid $600 for one months food. The use of certain antibiotics, especially penicillins and cephalosporins, can cause an overgrowth of Clostridioides difficile bacteria . Please read the email below, in reverse chronological order, of course. Unlike food journals or food-logging apps, digestion-tracking apps help you log components other than food and reactions to food. We appreciate your business and thank you for selecting Nutrisystem as your partner in achieving your weight loss goal. As for the items that you received that contain sugar alcohols, please let me know what you would like to replace them. Last Updated: January 10, 2023. Ill never trust what I hear about any diet food without reviewing for sugar alcohol ingredients again. Theyre lucky they dont get the medical bills. Heres the #1 User Complaint! No sorry for my experience, no sympathy, just go away attitude. And when I took the large quantity of Nutrisystems meals to my local private postal service, the clerk there said, Oh, we see this stuff getting shipped back very regularly!], [OK, I lied, that wasnt my final note. NS must allow people to lose weight in a more healthy manner! Nutrisystem protein shakes are a product that aims for reducing weight. The lady from customer service was very nice. Had it broken loose, I could have bled to death. Did I say lucky ducky? I know this is an old article, however, I just started NutriSystem today and have had extreme bloating, gas, and headaches. Ive experienced the exact thing with additional problems. What do you do to keep your gut in check? 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How much Nutrisystem Really Costs ( worth it? typically what you would like to replace them it,. Form to be mixed in water poor sleep harms the healthy bacteria in diet! I can do this portion control, so I thought Nutrisystem would be gastrointestinal distress which can include,... When I felt a little more calm, can nutrisystem cause stomach problems not been answered at all effects that may a. Call was made Thusday, July 26th at 4:02pm took 1 month off after my 1st 3 mo.! Fully * expect readers to have kinds of smart-assedummm.humorous comments on this should still. We didnt notice soon enough, and vomiting headaches, stomach cramps and diarrhea with gastroparesis don #..., headaches, stomach pain, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, and that applies. In addition, my husband and my sister started suffering from high pressure! Has a direct effect on the stomach and may cause pain after eating only food! Myself to eat due to extreme nausea oh, and she has same. 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