New external SSD acting up, no eject option, Sci-fi episode where children were actually adults. Oh no, really, it's, ahh, not even not even bruised anymore. Walter Sobchak: Walter Sobchak: F***ing dog has f***ing papersOVER THE LINE! You're Mr. Lebowski. The Dude: . By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Walter Sobchak: How the f*** should I know? Fucking Germans. Across this line, you DO NOT Also, Dude, "chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, and stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger 'til it goes "click.". Jesus, man, could you change the channel? The Dude: You know what I'm trying to say Walter Sobchak: shut the f*** up, Donny! We're all, we're all very fond of her. The Dude: Walter Sobchak: You want a toe? It's a photo of the Family Farm, it's supposed to make her homesick. Walter Sobchak: He served 6 months in Chino for exposing himself to an eight year old. The Dude: You're entering a world of pain, son. Walter Sobchak: A deadbeat, someone the square community won't give a shit about. Walter Sobchak: A real reactionary. Drive around. There are many moments and movie contents that relate to our daily lives which will be shared below as a reference, knowledge, entertainment, and fun moments. Walter Sobchak: Once his stolen car is recovered, the Dude finds homework he believes belongs to the car thief in the back seat. And so, Theodore Donald Karabotsos, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well. The Dude: Older Cop: Or the Creedence. Walter Sobchak: Go dubs. Come on, Dude! Maude Lebowski: Now, what happened to your face? Walter Sobchak: Bunny Lebowski: Brandt can't watch, though - or he has to pay a hundred. This sends the Dude and Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) on a wild goose chase that winds up with two cars destroyed and the protagonists gaining nothing in their search for the truth behind the kidnapping/ransom. / You are entering a world of pain. Walter Sobchak: That's right, Dude. You're out of your element!". Where's the fucking money, Lebowski? Hey, cool it Walter. The Big Lebowski: The bums will always lose! The Dude: This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man. Going to her fucking synagogue. Yeah, a friend with a cleft asshole? Malibu Police Chief: Walter Sobchak: Coffee Shop Waitress: Excuse me, sir. Da Fino: Easy man, relax. I see you rolled your way into the semis. It's comforting to know that there are still people like Walter out there, who, "Gives a sh*t about the rules". Across this line, you DO NOT Also, dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Don't you think? To this day, theres an annual Lebowski Fest at which hordes of The Dudes disciples dress up as their icon and partake in an array of Lebowski-themed activities. Nobody fucks with the Jesus. You don't go out looking for a job dressed like that? The Stranger: "The Dude abides." The Dude: The old man told me to take any rug in the house. Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski: Obviously, you're not a golfer. 2023. Updated on September 26, 2022 by Tanner Fox: Nearly a quarter-century after its debut, The Big Lebowski remains a cultural touchstone; from relaxing games of bowling to white Russians and rugs that really tie the room together, many of the film's funniest moments remain permanently ingrained in the minds of fans. Not in 'Nam of course. Certain things have come to light. Ze lingonberry pancake. When accused, he does not seem to take it seriously, as though is his guilty. Well. Uh, I'm just gonna go find a cash machine. Did Jackie Treehorn do that as well? WAIT! Dios mio, man. [Ordering at Stacks: House of Pancakes] The uzi! Believe me. In the '90s, Bridges often portrayed a hapless, somewhat lost kind of everyman character. My daughter's married to a real loser bastard. Smokey: The Dude: Yeah and maybe we stomp on it and squoosh it, Lebowski. Walter Sobchak: Walter Sobchak: Uh, excuse me. The Stranger: The Dude abides. When local bowler, Smokey, barely slips his toe across the threshold of the foul line, then refuses to mark his scorecard as a zero, Walter simply cannot let his transgression slide. Walter Sobchak: Have it your way, but my point -. I'm not We're talking about unchecked aggression here, dude. The Dude: Walter, what is the poin-? How come you don't roll on Saturday, Walter? [Walter's dog barks repeatedly], Walter Sobchak: MARK IT ZERO! Or maybe just used it as a toilet and moved on. | And so would Donny. So I guess he was right. Walter Sobchak: There's nothing to be afraid of. Soundtracks, shouted repeatedly while smashing a car with a crow bar, Maude shows the porn video starring Bunny to the Dude, while dunking the Dude's head in the toilet, the Dude, Walter, and Donny walk out of the bowling alley, to find the three Nihilists waiting in front of the Dude's car, which has been torched, the Nihilists, stunned, confer amongst themselves in German, Stunned, the Germans confer amongst themselves again, the Nihilists invade the Dude's bathroom accompanied by a trained ferret, They walk out of the bowling alley and see the Dude's car gone. Well, there isn't a literal connection, Dude. Walter Sobchak: Donny, you're out of your element! He's not taking your fucking turn, Dude. Smokey, this is not 'Nam. Without the roaringly offensive Walter, the creepy self-serious Jesus, and the hopelessly impotent Donny, The Dude would've probably just stayed home and gotten high on his living room floor. I've done introduced him enough. You fucked it up! They killed my fucking car. Now her toe is in the mail. The Dude: Maude Lebowski: Walter Sobchak: [talking to Dude as he leaves] Oh come on, Dude Don't walk away, man! I fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead. What the fuck are you talking about? I mean, you know the guy? New 'Vette? Mark it zero! Donny, you're out of your element! Contents. By the way, do you think that you could give me that $20,000 in cash? Walter Sobchak: Nihilist: Ve don't care. The Dude: What's this bullshit? Walter Sobchak: I bowl. The Dude: ..Yeah, man, it really tied the room together. He's a former private eye, mercenary and screenwriter. Excuse me, sir. Walter Sobchak: Nihilist #3: That's your answer for everything! Brandt: They did not receive the money, you nitwit! The Dude's driver's-side door is unusable after his car is stolen and retrieved, and we see him using the passenger door at least once after he takes the car home. Let's take that hill! Will you come off it, Walter? I see you rolled your way into the semis. Dillon is a writer and lover of cinema, TV, books, video games, sports, and storytelling across all mediums. Walter Sobchak: Donny, shut the f When do we play? Walter Sobchak: Younger Cop: Sometimes. Walter Sobchak: ", "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man", Do you see what happens when you f*** a stranger in the a**! The Dude: [looking at his hero writer Digby Sellers in an iron lung] The Dude: well, thats just. like your opinion, man. I'm the Dude. Certain things have come to light. | Nobody is going to cut your dick off. The Dude: The Dude: The In-and-Out Burger is on Camrose. The central conceit of the narrative is that The Dude has the exact same legal name as a local millionaire philanthropist. Walter Sobchak: C'mon, Dude - Uh, eventually she'll get tired of her little game and, you know, wander on back. Cab Driver: Just as we were discussing why The Jesus still fascinates loyal fans 22 years after Lebowski 's premiere, Turturro excused himself politely. These young men gave their lives. But you know me. The Big Lebowski: The million bucks was never in the briefcase! Walter Sobchak: I'm a f***ing veteran that's who I am! At fifteen m-p-h I roll out! We know that this is your homework. I can get you a toe, believe me. With a record. Walter Sobchak: My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax bracket. The Dude: Who the f*** are the Kanutzsins? The Dude: Rug Peers did not do this - Look at it! Your wife is Bunny. You didn't think I was rolling out of here naked! The Dude: Oh boy. Joel and Ethan thought it quite funny. The Dude: Man, if my f***in' ex-wife asked me to take care of her f***in' dog while she and her boyfriend went to Honolulu I'd tell her to go f*** herself. I! Hardly, Dude. Walter Sobchak: The Dude: Younger Cop: Sometimes. You thought, oh, here's a loser, you know, a deadbeat, someone the square community won't give a shit about Walter Sobchak: Walter Sobchak: They got us working in shifts! Walter Sobchak: Also, let's not forget - let's *not* forget, Dude - that keeping wildlife, an amphibious rodent, for uh, domestic, you know, within the city - that aint legal either. The Big Lebowski: Walter Sobchak: And five fucking years ago you were divorced man! Nobody. Okay. V.I. What are you, a fucking park ranger now? Malibu Police Chief: Walter Sobchak: Liam and me, were gonna f*** you up. The Dude delivers this response in the most understated, half-interested manner possible, just to really exaggerate how little hes threatened by the freak. This is what happens, Larry! [He and his partner appear in front of Dude, Walter, and Donny] What's this "day of rest" sh*t?! [The Dude: Oh, great] This is what happens when you f*** a stranger in the ass, Larry! Do you hear me, Lebowski? The Dude: Walter, Walter - I don't see any connection to Vietnam, man. The Dude: And that's the Dude, in Los Angeles. There are ways, Dude. [the Nihilists, stunned, confer amongst themselves in German]. The physical act of love. Younger Cop: When The Jesus finds out that The Dude and his team have advanced to the semi-finals in their bowling league, he approaches them, saying Are you ready to be f**ked, man? The wave of the future, Dude. The Big Lebowski: You don't go out looking for a job dressed like that? Her life was in your hands! Walter Sobchak: Oh, come on Donny, they were threatening castration! Related: 9 Best John Tuturro's Movie Performances: 'Do The Right Thing' to 'The Big Lebowski'. Shut the fuck up, Donny! The Big Lebowski: That's a Bummer, man. So that's what you call me. In a movie full of actual violence and life-or-death stakes, theres an undeniable glee in watching Walter lose his mind over something so trivial. The Dude: And what was all that sh*t about Vietnam? When he moved to Hollywood he had to go door to door to tell everyone he was a pederast. Jesus Quintana: You said it, man. You f***in' a**hole! Walter Sobchak: Those rich fucks! I had a rough night and I hate the f***in' Eagles, man! Walter Sobchak: I told those f***s down at the league office a thousand times that I don't roll on Shabbos! After tracking the kid down in North Hollywood, they attempt to interrogate him, but he wont budge. Larry is the owner of the found homework and seems to be a fourteen year old kid. The Dude: Yeah, but I wasn't over. If you will it, it is no dream. I've got information man! Maude Lebowski: She though we'd be getting million dollars! The Dude: When we make the handoff, I double back, grab one of 'em and beat it out of him! The Dude: Look, pal, there never was any money. In standout films like Fearless (1991) and The Fisher King (1994), he stepped into the shoes of normal albeit classically good-looking guys who couldnt help but find themselves in extraordinary situations. You have your story, I have mine. Walter Sobchak: Smokey, my friend, [pulls out an M1911A1 pistol] you're entering a world of pain. Your wife is Bunny. Come on Donny, let's go get us a lane. This is bowling. Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers. Brother Seamus? Come on, man. The Dude: She's not my special lady friend, man. You fuckin' asshole! How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus. Yeah, your wiggly penis, Lebowski. The Dude: Look, just stay away from my f***ing lady friend. Walter Sobchak: The Big Lebowski: The Dude: You thought that Bunny had been kidnapped and you were f***in' glad, man. Alternative ways to code something like a table within a table? I don't like your jerk-off name. Jackie Treehorn: The Dude: Older guy. The Dude: Come on, man. Wooo! The Dude: Your wheel! The little prick is stonewalling me. The Dude really has a way with words, and one of the best examples of his penchant for parlance occurs when he meets The Big Lebowski for the first time. Yeah, I'll be at practice. The Dude: Yeah, and five f***ing years ago you were divorced. The Dude (Jeff Bridges) Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) The Big Lebowski (David Huddleston) Maude Lebowski (Julianne Moore) Donny Kerabatsos (Steve Buscemi) Bunny Lebowski (Tara Reid) Jackie Treehorn (Ben Gazzara) Brandt (Philip Seymour . Da Fino: Hey, relax man. Wouldn't hold out much hope for the tape deck though. I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. Bunny Lebowski: Maude Lebowski: The Big Lebowski: Walter Sobchak: The Dude: We know it's his f***ing homework! Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners. Yeah, but he's a pervert, Dude. Mark it zero. Obviously, you're not a golfer. Is this your homework, Larry? In honor of Lebowski's 25th anniversary, here is a short list of the top ten most quotable lines from this evergreen comedy. Cab Driver: I pull over and kick your ass out! Liam and me, we're gonna f*** you up. Am I wrong? But sometimes there's a man, sometimes, there's a man. The god damn plane has crashed into the mountain! Bunny Lebowski: [takes off her sunglasses] I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. I'm not we're talking about unchecked aggression here, Dude. Walter Sobchak: Look, Larry. The Dude: That's f***in' ingenious, if I understand it correctly. I'm more Jewish than Tevye! And even if he's a lazy man - and the Dude was most certainly that. Bay Area native. Look, just stay away from my fucking lady friend. Does the Pope shit in the woods? We're all, we're all very fond of her. He's a Nihilist. Donny, who loved bowling. I did not watch my buddies die face-down in the muck so this f***in' strumpet, this f***in' whore could waltz around town-. One baggie had a Whopper wrapper, another the kid's homework. The Dude: The Dude: The Dude: Look, Walter - Walter, the Chinaman who peed on my rug, I can't go give him a bill, so what the f*** are you talking about? You're not interested in sex? Dios mio, man. I'm not even supposed to pick up the phone unless its an emergency. The Dude offers a stunned Jesus, in reply, and thats when this iconic quote is delivered. We know you never did! Lebowski: not a man, a way of life. Sometimes. What the F***, has anything got to do with Vietnam? And the fucking money. Lotta strands in old Duder's head. The Dude: Why are you following me around? This bush-league psych out stuff. No, Walter, it did NOT look like Larry was about to crack! The Dude: Ah, no that was the chief of police of Malibu. Nothing is fucked here, Dude. I just dropped in to see what condition my Condition was in. My dirty undies My fucking whites [They walk out of the bowling alley and see the Dude's car gone. Don't think he and the kid played a lot of baseball in the backyard. You're the one who's so f***ing certain! Yeah, yeah, I get it, fuck off Da Fino. Uhhhh, you mean vagina? We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Do you see what happens, Larry, when you f*** a stranger in the ass?! The Stranger: Jesus Quintana: Huh? Huh? This is a guy Walter Sobchak: What the f*** are you? Our basic freedoms! Real fucking brat, but I'm sure your goons can get it off him. The Dude: A lot of ins, a lot of outs. 10 of the most memorable, hilarious quotes from the classic Coen Brothers comedy, The Big Lebowski. [the cab driver drives off]. Read Next: 'The Big Lebowski' & 9 Other Cult Classics That Defined the 90s. Walter Sobchak: You mean beyond pacifism? Donny was a good bowler, and a good man. It's just a game, man. Now that is just ridiculous, Dude. You're not even fucking Jewish, man. Fuck it! It's signed by the thief in question, a bratty teenager named Larry Sellers. Walter Sobchak: So you have no frame of reference here, Donny. I mean, he's fifteen. There are ways, Dude - you don't wanna know about it, believe me. The bums lost. Walter Sobchak: [turns to Dude] Eight year olds, Dude. Walter Sobchak: F*** it Dude, Let's go bowling. F*** off, Da Fino. For your information, the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint! Walter Sobchak: That's fuckin' ingenious, if I understand it correctly. Keep your ugly fuckin' goldbrickin' ass out of my beach community. The Dude: Walter, what am I gonna tell Lebowski? Sweet Donny's naivete often left him inside Walter's merciless cross-hairs. Forget about the fucking toe! Walter Sobchak: This is the fuckin' guy! Wouldn't hold out much hope for the tape deck though. 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