And when that's done, he'll try to destroy the NCR senate and install himself as its new military dictator. tactacam reveal x firmware update. Basically, expect a lot of firepower and dead bodies. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic107. Westside, huh? Until things settle down around here, alleviating my boredom isn't a good motive to leave. He was never heard from again. Eventually, someone stopped them. I hate to have to rely on it, but out here it makes a big difference. Sure. If that's the only thing about me that's like him, that's enough for me. Because I know when fighting breaks out at the dam, all hell is going to break loose in Freeside. Maybe being a doctor in the middle of Nevada wasn't exactly what he had in mind for his little boy. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic105. Alart!". I'm not letting it happen. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic080. Out of sight, out of mind. The last time we discussed this, you didn't exactly wow me with your pitch. eht too mee ah-mee-kay? You can find him at the Old Mormon Fort in Freeside. Pre-War, people figured there was so much desert in Nevada, you might as well turn it into a big dumping ground. I like how you handled that. But they did bad things. You have quite the menagerie at your disposal. The Brotherhood hoards knowledge and is obviously a smidge more violent than the Followers. zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung. [19][20], Arcade is strongly averse to groups he views as fascist or imperialist, such as the New California Republic and Caesar's Legion. 2.1 On ED-E; 2.2 On Emily Ortal; 3 Atticus; 4 Benny; 5 Bert Gunnarsson; 6 Betsy the Brahmin; 7 Betters; 8 Black Mountain Radio Transcripts. I've been wondering about Daisy and the others for so long, I still haven't figured out what I should do. Extortion? Arcade is not affected by a negative reputation with the Followers of the Apocalypse when the Courier tries to recruit him. When the NCR learned that Enclave personnel had integrated, we kept moving to the fringes. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic116. Anderson killed White. Pinterest. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic125. {admitting}Well, late thirties. I am going. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic103. I'm trying to help Mr. House keep New Vegas independent. If not, I'm sorry to inform you that you are, as the locals say, "nuttier than a Bighorner dropping. Brings back some interesting memories. He always did his best to make me feel welcome in the group. New Vegas is in trouble, so I came out here. Just don't try to drag us into it personally, okay? Fallout New Vegas: Talking with Arcade Gannon with low intelligence at the Old Mormon Fort. {confused, not sure what to say}Uh that doesn't belong to you. What have you got for me this time? REPCONN went through some rough times. Instead of trying to learn from the past, he re-creates it, runs back over the same old barren ground. You're assuming a motive without evidence. when Arcade comments on, 1 point for saying "They profit from crime, now I profit, too." Arcade was an only child, the son of an Enclave officer, born at the Navarro military base around 2246. She flew him out on over a dozen missions, including his last. If agave and mesquite were that miraculous, the locals would have figured it out a few thousand years ago. It isn't enough to mean well if you don't do good. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic035. No, really. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic135. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic081. To him, it was all one unbroken chain, from Washington to Richardson. Unbelievable. 2. Fine. Just give me a sign when you're about to pull out the dagger so I know when to make a run for the cliffs. But thanks to you, Julie says we're a lot better off these days. My answer, "God made me competent to teach my children when He ordained me to be their mother. I'm sure there were a few people turning a blind eye, but can you blame them? I mean, you can't help bad people, who want to hurt the locals in Freeside. So Mr. House doesn't care that one of Caesar's most notorious Legion spies is walking around on the Strip. I do say so. Can't say I'm surprised. I still don't know how this is all going to shake out in the end, but at least the Enclave can atone a bit for all the damage it's done. I'd like you to go back to the Lucky 38 for now. That's a valid point. After we deal with the whole "imminent conquest of New Vegas" problem, we should open an act at the Tops. As a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse in Fallout: New Vegas, he researches the potential medicinal uses of naturally occurring compounds for the chapter that resides in Freeside's Old Mormon Fort. {narration}Though independence for New Vegas was not all he hoped it could be, Arcade used his Enclave knowledge and technology to keep order wherever he could. With how messed up New Vegas is, do you really think Caesar has nothing to offer? For instance, this common state mottowhich also happens to adorn the memorial plaque for the astronauts who died on Apollo 1can be used in . I was born a few years later at a military base on the coast, a place called Navarro. I guess they're gone. 1 point for saying "What's done is done." {disappointed}Looks like break time's over. And the people who are unfit for military service or slavery would be put down. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic119. My mother and I left with some of the troopers from my father's old unit, the same people I've kept in contact with over the years. They're going to need every doctor they can get. Neither answer is particularly comforting. Hmm. {hushed, not confident in his abilities}O kay. Only because everyone would be conscripted or enslaved. Once I was asked if I had to take a test with the school board to prove I was competent to teach my children. One of the most powerful Latin quotes. No connecting Anderson back to the locals. In Fallout New Vegas, there was an option to sell Arcade Gannon to the services of Caesar as his personal physician to help him remove his tumor and save his life. If you would like me to die very rapidly, this is clearly the best tactical choice. So to speak. All I know is that you are a bad person and I don't want to be around you anymore. I'm not going to pout and cry if you give him to the Brotherhood. I may not be the one to help stop him here, but you are. I could use your help. Though independence for New Vegas was not all he hoped it could be, Arcade used his Enclave knowledge and technology to keep order wherever he could. Let's not waste any time. It's insulting. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic149. Though he found that independence for New Vegas was not all he hoped it would be, Arcade did his best to help the locals govern themselves. We'll do our best to clean up your mess. It's an inhumane kind of public service when people and the basic resources they need become numbers in a ledger. On second thought, stick with me for a little longer. So Mr. House doesn't care that one of Caesar's most notorious Legion spies is walking around on the Strip. And you know what? {Dying}Ugh. Why don't you like talking about yourself? Consider it dropped. {quietly}Just as a warning, my covert bandaging skills are a little rusty. {false friendly}Hey there. The man's a megalomaniac. So militarily, yes, I want them to help NCR. All right. It's the least I could do. Well, I'll be. No disrespect intended, but you aren't the first person to dream up the idea. He was never heard from again. We may have over extended ourselves by setting up camp in Freeside, but the people here need help from someone. Rockets and some energy weapon prototypes, I think. Maybe they're not all true. Let's play games in the arcades. Here's my proposition. That's funny. As long as you keep working to help people around here get a fair shake, sure, I'll lend a hand. Not everyone dreams of being a revolutionary, I suppose. "Sapere aude." - Dare to know. Funny how that works. [1][4] He makes peace with what the remnant members recount about his father's good character, sharing that although he won't attempt to fill his father's shoes, he aims to do his best to follow in his father's footsteps in terms of making a difference in the lives of others. In that regard, he's hardly unique. What the hell are you thinking?! As far as fruitless wastes of time go, it's quite noble in its aims. I'm thinking I'm going to get a sweet Pre-War laser. Sometimes staying put is the best thing you can do. Bits and pieces here and there. No, I think it {emph. He was prouder still to see the area freed from the shackles of the NCR and Mr. House. Thanks again for your help with the others. Oh, all right. Please, just settle down, okay? Well, good luck to you in your future endeavors, assuming they don't involve Caesar. {narration}Caesar grew fond of speaking with such an educated man on philosophical matters. Might need some antidote here. Let's just lay around and make love and take walks and talk a little. Surprised, right? "The Followers don't endorse his actions," and all that. No. This shouldn't be too surprising, but I'd prefer you let the Followers examine him. Originally posted by Solid Spy: Whenever I pass the speech check to recruit Arcade Gannon, I only get the option to say "Oh, well. During the NCR's retreat from the Mojave Wasteland, he helped defend NCR citizens and refugees on their way to, When news reached Freeside that Legion forces were approaching New Vegas, Arcade did his best to help people escape with adequate supplies. Or maybe old ways, if this research goes anywhere. Ugh. Do you {emph}want to see Vegas turned into the new slave capital of the west? VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic008. Sometimes I wonder how much of my father they see in me. When we left the Enclave behind, the love in him burned itself out. Background. Top Fallout New Vegas Arcade Gannon Quotes. Because you're helping Caesar's Legion. Not even a particularly good one. You aren't like the others, Arcade. We Followers may be idealistic but even I know this is going to end in blood. {defiantly}And he isn't going to get away with this. Hmm. Caesar can cite Cato to suit his purpose. Did someone slip Psycho into your water or {growing anger}are you just naturally berserk? VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic044. "}Caveat Samaritanus. If the NCR is broken, it will fail on its own. Sounds like messy business. 13) "Blast Off!". Arcade was an only child, the son of an Enclave officer, born at the Navarro military base around 2246. If someone doesn't step up and try to help the people here, it's going to end very badly. Ugh. 1 point for saying "But in the end, doesn't it all just come down to numbers anyway? {drifting off}Babbling nonsense. We just need to stand together.". followed by "Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting." Take some of this stuff off of me so I can move a little more easily. Vivamus, Moriendum Est. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic003. Well, I'll be. As a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, Arcade is recognized all over the wasteland. Maybe he didn't intend for things to wind up this way, but that doesn't mean he needs to perpetuate this bizarre anachronistic myth. Just sleep on it or something. It was an important part of her life. Westside, huh? Good luck at Hoover Dam. 2 points for saying "Anderson killed White. I don't think you need to worry about the specifics. In case I'm not laying down enough sarcasm, you just screwed up the lives of a bunch of struggling people. Jim Rash. Arcade is not a pragmatic person, so in the circumstances where he becomes a long-term instrument of Caesar (post-endgame), he disembowels himself rather than living as a tool of evil (in his mind). Argh, you moron! VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic155. The nearest fresh source is the lake, and that's a bit of a hike. {irritated at being attacked}Temporary insanity? I'm not exactly a mercenary, but taking out scumbags of this magnitude wouldn't cause me to lose any sleep. {Pained/Labored breathing through gritted teeth 1}, {Pained/Labored breathing through gritted teeth 2}. Can't say I'm surprised. He will agree to accompanying the player character if any of the following requirements are met: Arcade will get fed up with the Courier if they do or say things that he dislikes. If you spent the first half of your life flying Enclave troopers in a vertibird, I suppose picking over Pre-War rocket parts doesn't quite compare. Kreger was polite and kind, but never warm. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic061. Let's talk about how close you're following me. I'm no botanist, but I think this {emph}may not be entirely natural. Would you like to come with me? I never think of nothing. How do you know so much about this, again? He abdicates responsibility to a myth of historical inevitability. {bit of a grin}As long as you've got my back, of course. Though I guess what I think never really mattered much to you, did it? He just wants to keep the NCR and Caesar's Legion from pushing him around. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic126, VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic127, VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic128. [13] His closest bond is with Daisy Whitman, who he describes as being "the only woman in his life" after the death of his mother. {slightly humorous}If you could spare any ammunition, that would be really terrific. Why shouldn't she enjoy it? Don't worry about it. {drawing the word out}Actually, I'm going to keep talking anyway. It belonged to my father. Arcade became his unwilling intellectual sparring partner. Okay, I hear you. I think they did some work with the Hildern is a good example of "big picture" obsession gone too far. I'm really very boring. Thanks for your help with the others. I'll uh be going now, I guess. Doc Henry always was a hard one to figure out. It's hard to find justice in all of this, but I suppose this is as close as it gets. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic021. Anderson turned in for the wrong reason and Westside gets to keep siphoning water. Let's drive down and look at the ocean. On a slightly more serious note, if you're interested in helping out with the troubles plaguing Freeside, I can come with you. If you change your mind, let me know. [14] He shares with the Courier that he has had many men in his life, but that "lovers make poor confidantes," instead choosing to remain close to Daisy, who never had children of her own and was always willing to listen. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic000. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic139. I think he did it out of a sense of loyalty to my father. You are bad for helping him. [3][4] When the New California Republic sacked Navarro, he and his mother fled with troopers from his father's old unit. I don't think I can convince them by myself. I guess I'm lucky that I'm part of the Followers. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic158. I knew you'd see the light. So if that was your goal, congratulations. His father was killed in combat while on an away mission, leaving a very young Arcade to be raised by his single mother. Although never stated in-game, Joshua Sawyer has said Arcade's middle name is Israel. It just seems a little twitchy. Yes. Even Caesar. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic017. - Bosconian. When traveling with Arcade: NCR citizens will berate the Courier for keeping company with ", 1 point for saying "Right. The people in Freeside will be just as bad off as they ever were. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic015. I'll head back to the Old Mormon Fort. If you do, I'll leave. I only know what I was told. {beat}Or eight. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I don't know where to ask this so here i go *deals with arcade gannon*". And if they knew he was stealing water, so what? My father died when I was young and I never got over it. In case it's not obvious, I think you should redirect the power to Freeside and outer Vegas. (which requires Intelligence 7), followed by "It was either this or spend the rest of his life in an NCR chain gang." {drifting off}They're pretty crazy. Megan Hart. There have been some good men along the way, but lovers make poor confidants. I'll do my best. Arcade's conflict is about his identity. Enjoy your reign as Queen Scumbag the First, Overlord of Westside. NCR's sharecropper farms had all of the water. That's a lot of energy weapons. {narration}Though Arcade had not hoped for an NCR victory, he was proud of his role in the defense of Hoover Dam against the forces of Caesar's Legion. I wanted to help people and I enjoyed learning, so I signed up. What to say to Arcade Gannon at The Fort. Moreno took the fall of the Enclave hard. {finds murder of any sort distasteful}Ugh. {narration}Though he remained in Freeside for a short time after the Securitrons established widespread control, he eventually traveled back into NCR territory. Did you expect me to applaud your efforts to support a deranged warlord? {a bit depressed}If there's one thing there's no shortage of in the Mojave, it's violence. Even if I'm still just a spectator in all of this, I know they can still do some good. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic129. No thanks. {narration}Arcade was proud to have been one of the defenders who helped repel the Legion from Hoover Dam. I'll see you soon. The locals were having a lot of trouble getting water through. {a little concerned}Okay. {unsure}Hopefully the reasons are obvious. After spending thirty years of my life hiding my association with the Enclave, I'd {emph}love to stroll the wasteland with a twitchy Eyebot. His suicide is intended to mirror the death of one of the most notable idealists of the Roman Republic, Cato the Younger. About energy weapons. I suppose an even distribution is better than nothing. Adams is on the eastern seaboard of the country. Johnson always said my father was a good man. Arcade Gannon Quotes & Sayings. Only to obfuscate my past association with a fascist paramilitary organization. {feeling better, joking}Will the medical wonders of the post-apocalyptic world never cease? Of course not. Though Arcade was proud to have been one of the defenders who turned back the Legion at Hoover Dam, he was crushed by Mr. House's ascent to power. I'm not saying we shouldn't take it with us. {Narration}Lacking any other skilled medical personnel, the Legion was unable to prevent his death. They sure don't, but I hope you get everything that's coming to you. Of loyalty to my father if agave and mesquite were that miraculous, the in... 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