Source: [118] Everyone acts in accordance with what is decreed for him, becoming that for which he was created. Nothing invalidates or rescinds them. [108] The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, wiped over leather socks and head coverings in ablution. (Sahih Muslim 275, Sahih); NOTE: This point of Fiqh is mentioned here because many of the heretical sects denied it was part of the Sunnah. As His Attributes were before creation, so will they continue forever. The virtue of some over others is due to the fear of Allah, righteousness, opposing lowly desires, and adherence to the most important matters. Faith in the Last Day, , We have faith in the Resurrection and the recompense for actions on the Day of Resurrection, the presentation of deeds, the reckoning, and the reading of the book of deeds, the reward and punishment, the Bridge over Hell (al-sirat),[114] and the Scale (al-mizan). He is the Eternal without a beginning and enduring without end. [145], Guarantee or despair (of entering Paradise) both remove one from the religion of Islam. [70], , He encompasses all things and He is above it, and what He has created is incapable of encompassing Him. . [146], , We have faith in what has come of their miracles and what has been authenticated in their narrations from trustworthy narrators. Zad-ul Ma'ad - Provisions for the Hereafter Vol. The Obligation of Commanding the Good & Forbidding the Evil - Sh. [73], They will both say: What do you say about this man? (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 1071, Jayyid), [113] Verily, the grave is the first stage of the Hereafter. [119], , Good and evil have both been decreed for the servants. Al aqidah at-tahawiyyah - part1-5 concise notes - saalih al-fawzaan 1. Al-'Aqidah at . SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. If all of them gathered against something Allah had not decreed to be, that they try to bring it into existence, they would have no power to do so. [74] We testify that they were all upon the clear truth. Aqeedah Tahawiyyah - A Book Of Islamic Belief Pdf Download Free Aqeedah Tahawiyyah - A Book Of Islamic Belief Al-Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah is one of the most widely acclaimed and studied book on Islamic beliefs. We say that a single prophet is better than all the saints put together. al-e28098aqeedatut-tahaawiyyah-english-text-dawud-burbank.pdf download 158.6K arabic-matn-of-aqeedah-tahawiyyah.pdf download [90] After they meet Allah knowing faith, they are subject to His will and His judgment. , It is not because He created the creation that He earned the name, The Creator, nor by His making it did he earn the name, The Maker., . . Ibn Taymiyyah explained his purpose for writing it as follows: The will of the servants is only what He wills for them. And in Allah alone is protection and guidance. [86], , All believers are allies of the Most Merciful and the noblest of them to Allah are those who are most obedient and who best adhere to the Quran. Al-Aqida al-Tahawiyya. For Allah Almighty has hidden the knowledge of providence from His creatures and has prohibited them from seeking it, as said by Allah Almighty in His Book, He will not be questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned.[58] Whoever asks why He did something has rejected the judgment of the Book, and whoever rejects the judgment of the Book is among the unbelievers. Aqeedatu Tahaawiyyah english Aqeedatu-Tahaawiyyah-arabic Audio (from ). Allah will hold him accountable for his inner secrets. download 2 files . Likewise, He deserved the name of The Creator before He produced them. We avoid anomalous opinions, differences, and sectarianism. [41], , For whoever wishes to know what is forbidden and is not satisfied with surrender, his understanding will be veiled from pure monotheism, gnosis, and sound faith. Then, the mercy of Allah will reach them and they will be taken out and presented at the gates of Paradise. If he is touched by good, he is reassured by it, but if he is struck by trial, he turns on his face. (Surat al-Hajj 22:11), [44] Verily, you will see your Lord just as you see this moon. It is not for us to judge anything of his inner secrets. Fundamentals of Tawheed by Bilal Philips Download (pdf) 5. Have you not seen that it comes out yellow and entwined? (Sahih al-Bukhari 22, Sahih), [94] Then will We treat the Muslims like the criminals? (Surat al-Qalam 68:35), [95] O Turner of the hearts, affirm my heart upon your religion. (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 3522, Sahih), [96] Perform funeral prayer over whoever says there is no God but Allah. You are the Hidden, there is nothing beyond you. (Sahih Muslim 2713, Sahih), [13] Allah is Independent, while you are in need. (Surat Muhammad 47:38), [15] Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Aware? (Surat al-Mulk 67:14), [16] Verily, all things We created with measure (qadr). (54:49), [17] Allah does not respite a soul when its appointed term has come, for Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat al-Munafiqun 63:11), [18] Allah knows what is before them and what will be after them, but they do not encompass any of its knowledge. (20:110), [19] Say, Obey Allah and the Messenger, but if they turn away, then Allah does not love the unbelievers. (Surat Ali Imran 3:32), [20] Allah is victorious in His affair, but most people do not know. (Surat Yusuf 12:21), [21] Allah sends astray whomever He wills and He guides to the Straight Path whomever He wills. (Surat al-Anam 6:39), [22] Whatever strikes you of disaster, it is for what your hands have earned, yet He pardons much. (Surat al-Shura 42:30), [23] He punishes whomever He wills and He has mercy upon whomever He wills, and to Him you will be returned. (Surat al-Ankabut 29:21), [24] There is no one worthy of worship but Him, the Almighty, the Wise. (Surat Ali Imran 3:6), [25] So direct your face towards the upright religion before a Day comes from Allah which cannot be repelled. (Surat al-Rum 30:43), [26] Those firm in knowledge say, We believe in it. [136] We hate those who hate them or who mention them without good, for we do not mention them except with good. This is an exposition of the creed of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jam'ah in accordance with the understanding of the jurists of the religion such as Ab anfah al-Nu'man ibn Thbit al-Kf, Ab Ysuf Ya'qb ibn Ibrhm al-Anri and Ab 'Abd Allh Muhammad ibn al-asan al-Shaybn, may Allh be pleased with them all. A book in English in which Sh. The great scholar Hujjat al-lslam Abu Ja'far al-Warraq al-Tahawi al-Misri, may Allah have mercy on him, said: [134], , He becomes angered and becomes pleased, yet not like anyone else besides Him. There is no prophet after me. (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2219, Sahih), [30] O people, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, from Him to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. (Surat al-Araf 7:158), [31] Verily, this is the word of a noble messenger, established in the presence of the Lord of the Throne. (Surat al-Takwir 81:19-20). When we saw a man do evil at the end of his life, we would fear for him. (al-Tawbah li-Ibn Ab Duny 112), [82] Who despairs of the mercy of his Lord except for those astray? (Surat al-Hijr 15:56), [83] Verily, between a man and idolatry and unbelief is abandoning the prayer. (Sahih Muslim 82, Sahih), [84] No one testifies that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, honestly from the heart, but that Allah will forbid him from entering Hellfire. (Sahih al-Bukhari 128, Sahih), [85] Verily, there is nothing to bring you closer to Paradise and distance you from Hellfire but that I have commanded you to do it, and there is nothing to bring you closer to Hellfire and distance you from Paradise but that I have forbidden you from doing it. (Shuab al-Iman 9891, Sahih), [86] O people, We have created you from male and female and made you into communities and tribes that you may know one another. [42], , He will veer between unbelief and faith, confirmation and denial, acceptance and rejection. Punishment in the grave and its blessings, , We have faith in the punishment of the grave for those who deserve it and the questioning in the grave by the two angels, Munkar and Nakir, about ones Lord, religion, and prophet, as has come in reports from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and from the companions, may Allah be pleased with them. [126], , All things occur by the will of Allah the Exalted, His knowledge, His decree, and His providence. And He whom He did not guide, no one can guide. Verily, I believe what is even more astonishing than that. Al-Zubayr is in Paradise. The strictest of them in the religion of Allah is Umar. [69], , He is independent of the Throne and whatever is beneath it. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I am determined for you not to argue over it. (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2133, Hasan). This is our religion and what we take as our creed, inwardly and outwardly. Those who commit major sins, , Those who commit major sins among the nation of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, may be in Hellfire but will not reside there forever, if they die while they are monotheists, even if they have not repented. Said is in Paradise. He measured all of that with precise measurement, judgment, and finality. [15], , Nothing was hidden from Him before He created them. Al-'Aqidah at-Tahawiyyah (Arabic Edition) [Abu Jafar At-Tahawi] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. That leads to denial, persecution, and bloodshed. (Fayd al-Qadir 6/265 #9187), [78] No doubt, the people of the Book before you split into seventy-two sects and this religion will split into seventy-three sects; seventy-two will be in the Hellfire and one will be in Paradise. If he is firm in his religion, his trials will be more severe. [95], , We perform prayer behind every Imam who prays towards Mecca, whether righteous or wicked, as well as the funeral prayer over those who have died. He does not have the characteristics of any creature. Whatever he received, he would have never missed. [110], , We have faith in the angel of death charged with seizing the souls of those in the worlds. The people of Paradise will pour water over them and they will grow just as the stubble carried by the stream grows. It is the united community. (Sunan Abi Dawud 4597, Sahih), [79] The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, Gabriel, upon him be peace, came to me to give the good news that anyone from my nation who dies without associating partners with Allah will enter Paradise. It was said, Even if he commits adultery and theft? The Prophet said, Even if he commits adultery and theft. (Sahih al-Bukhari 1237, Sahih); Al-Nawawi comments, This tradition is a proof for the people of the Sunnah, that those who commit major sins will not remain in the Hellfire forever. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was taken by night and ascended in person during wakefulness, to the heavens and then to whichever heights Allah willed for him. His will is always accomplished. He will abolish the cross, kill the swine, and annul the tribute, but he will leave the she-camel such that no one collects from it. There is nothing worthy of worship but Him, the Gracious, the Merciful. (Surat al-Baqarah 2:163), [4] He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, for He knows all things. (Surat al-Hadid 57:3), [5] Everything will perish but His Face. (28:88), [6] You do not will except that Allah wills. , For none is safe in his religion except those who surrender themselves to Allah Almighty and to His Messenger,[39] and relinquishes the knowledge of what is ambiguous to the One who knows it. A man is put to trial according to his religion. Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International Topics Aqeedah tahawiyyah, belief, Imaan, Tawheed, Salafi . Hajj pilgrimage and jihad will continue until the establishment of the Hour, , Hajj pilgrimage andjihadin the way of Allah are continuous, under those with authority among the Muslims, the righteous and wicked among them, until the establishment of the Hour. [29], , He has been sent to all of the jinn and the entirety of humanity with truth, guidance, light, and illumination. [1] There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing. (Surat al-Shura 42:11), [2] We have become certain that we will never cause failure to Allah upon earth, nor can we escape Him by flight. (Surat al-Jinn 72:11), [3] Your god is one God. This is justice, as opposed to what is done by some of the ignorant. The Quran is the uncreated speech of Allah Almighty, . Ilm Us Sarf Aowalain. [56] It has not been shown to an angel near to Him, nor to a prophet He sent. [25], , We believe in all of this. [143], , The scholars of the first generation who preceded us and those after them among the successors, the people of virtue, tradition, understanding, and insight, they are not mentioned but in a gracious way. Translated by Abu Amina Elias. When their time has come, they will not be delayed for even an hour, nor will they precede it. (Surat al-Araf 7:34), [68] The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, came to us while we were arguing about the divine decree. Most Beautiful Names by Muhammad Ibn Khalifah Download 4. al-Aqdah al-awyah, Translated with references to proofs from the Quran and Sunnah [133] None can be independent of Allah for as much as the blink of an eye. Delving deeply and investigating concerning that is a means of disappointment; a ladder of deprivation, and a degree of transgression, so take every precaution concerning that, whether by investigating, thinking or misguided whispering. [149] We have faith in the rising of the sun from the West[150] and in the emergence of the Beast from its place in the earth. [36] Whoever grasps this will be careful and restrained from the likes of what is said by the unbelievers. Mass Market Paperback. Al-'Aqidah at-Tahawiyya is a popular exposition of Sunni Muslim doctrine written by the tenth-century Egyptian theologian and Hanafi jurist Abu Ja'far Ahmad at-Tahawi. We ask Allah the Exalted to keep us firm upon faith, seal our lives with it, and to protect us from various desires, sectarian opinions, and the doctrines of rejection, such as anthropomorphists (al-Mushabbihah),[157] the rationalists (al-Mutazilah),[158] those who deny the Attributes of Allah (al-Jahmiyyah),[159] the fatalists (al-Jabriyah),[160] the deniers of providence (al-Qadariyah),[161] and others who oppose the united community and have made a pact of misguidance. Then, the Prophet became angry until his face was red, as if a pomegranate were bursting from his cheeks. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried. (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2516, Sahih), [64] If you were to spend the likes of mount Uhud in gold in the way of Allah, He would not accept it from you until you had faith in all of divine providence, such that you know what you acquire could never miss you, and what you missed you could never acquire, and that if you die upon something other than this, you will enter the Hellfire. (Sunan Ibn Majah 77, Sahih), [65] For every nation is a specified term. Hold firmly to it as if biting with your molar teeth. If they enter it, they will be taken out and eventually admitted into Paradise. (Sharh al-Nawawi ala Sahih Muslim 2/97), [80] The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, Verily, none of you will enter Paradise by his deeds alone. They said, Not even you, O Messenger of Allah? The Prophet said, Not even me, unless Allah grants me his mercy. (Sahih al-Bukhari 6467, Sahih), [81] Ibn Masud said, If you see a man among you seduced into a sin, then neither supplicate to Allah against him nor curse him. If you object to the publication of the book, please contact us. The Night Journey and Ascension while the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was awake, . [103] We supplicate on their behalf for righteousness and wellness. [111], [78], , We do not excommunicate anyone who prays toward Mecca due to a sin, as long as he does not claim it to be lawful, nor do we say sins do not harm the faith of those who commit them. Falsehood of soothsayers and fortunetellers, , We do not believe in soothsayers and fortunetellers, nor whoever claims anything against the Book, the Sunnah, and the consensus of the Muslim nation. If He wills, He will forgive them and pardon them by His grace, as mentioned by the Almighty in His book, He forgives whatever is less than idolatry for whomever He wills.[91], , If He wills, He will punish them in Hellfire by His justice. Aqeeda Tahaawiyyah - Arabic Matn (Text) & Audio. We hate the people of injustice and treachery. To deny accessible knowledge is unbelief, and to claim to know what is inaccessible is unbelief. Abu Jafar Ahmad at-Tahawi was a tenth-century Egyptian theologian and Hanafi jurist. [24], , None can repel His decree, amend His judgment, or overpower His command. [52], , Likewise for the actions of people, as He knows among them what they would do. They do not leave behind gold or silver coins, but rather they leave behind knowledge. Praise for the Companions, , We love the companions of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. Allah took Abraham as an intimate friend, , We say that Allah has taken Abraham, upon him be peace, as an intimate friend[72] and that He spoke directly to Moses, faithfully, truthfully, and in surrender to Allah. [94] O Allah, Guardian of Islam and its people, keep us firmly upon Islam until we meet You. [76], , We do not dispute over the Quran. Al-'Aqidah at-Tahawiyya is a popular. They are Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talhah, Al-Zubayr, Sad, Said, Abd al-Ramn ibn Awf, and Abu Ubaydah ibn Al-Jarra who was the trustee of this nation, may Allah be pleased with them all. Then, death will be slaughtered and a heavenly caller will announce: O people of Paradise, there is no death! Sharah Aqidah Tahawiyyah By Molana Ilyas Ghumman sharah aqeeda tahawiya, fiqa hanfi, hanfi, ahnaf. 00:00. The most sincerely conscientious of them is Uthman. As for one who is miserly and considers himself independent (of Allah) and denies the best (in the Hereafter), We will make easy for him the path of hardship. (Surat al-Layl 92:5-10), [55] Verily, deeds are only judged by how they were at the end of life. (Sahih al-Bukhari 6607, Sahih), [56] He has the keys to the Unseen. No virtue of the saints over the prophets, , We do not prefer any of the saints of this nation over any of the prophets, upon them be peace. [81], . PDF download. Umar is in Paradise. [9], , He creates without a need to create,[10] and He provides for His creation without any effort. [47] Allah honored him as He willed and He revealed to him what He revealed, His heart was not mistaken about what he saw,[48] Allah blessed him and granted him peace in the Hereafter and in this world. Al Aqidah al Tahawiyyah (Arabic Text with English Translation & Commentary) Paperback - May 12, 2018. [158] This sect gave prominence to rational philosophy, such as found in ancient Greece, which led them to deny a number of core tenets of Islam. Faith in the vision of the people of the Abode of Peace is not correct for those among them who express it as an illusion or who interpret it with their own limited understanding, as the correct interpretation of the vision, and the interpretation of every meaning related to the Lordship of Allah, is by abandoning interpretation and adhering to surrender. The grave is the uncreated speech of Allah, the Wise will We treat the Muslims the... Of Tawheed by Bilal Philips download ( pdf ) 5 aqeeda Tahaawiyyah - Arabic Matn Text. More astonishing than that He who created not know, while He the... And what We take as our creed, inwardly and outwardly Hereafter Vol single Prophet better! Name of the Throne and whatever is beneath it it was said, not you... 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