In growth, water freely & feed monthly. This plant looks like different colors in different lighting and angles due to its iridescent nature. Pay 26 every 6 issues and receive this Darlac bundle plus gardening guide, worth 49.97, 2-for-1 entry to Kew Gardens, Warwick Castle, Leeds Castle and many more. The fern has short roots which is why it prefers soil that has high water retention. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. , Selaginella uncinata makes the best ever species of plants that you can keep in homes, known with many names among the plant enthusiasts like blue spikemoss, peacock moss, peacock spikemoss, or spring blue spikemoss. Unlike other moss, it has a more traditional root structure. However, they more commonly grow to 6 inches tall and can spread up to 20 inches wide. They can make leaves discolored and splotchy in appearance. This plant has a spreading, trailing habit, it almost reaches out to the distance as it grows. Malabar gourd, also known as fig leaf gourd, is a type of squash that is popular in many parts of the world. Copyright 2022-Present Inspire Uplift, LLC. Some accounting for the differences in opinion has to do with the taxonomic splitters who separate plants into different species based on very minute differences. They can also thrive inside terrariums and outside of aquariums. It is a native of southern China and is closely allied to Selaginella . Moreover, when growing outdoor, find a damp, shady and acidic spot to see your plant happily thriving and dancing. A peacock fern can be an excellent indoor plant since they like low light. Like many plants, they have several common names because people have described them based on their looks and attributes. wants to remain drenched and thrives so great in humid environments, it attracts, Selaginella stauntonianaspring, Stauntons spike moss, One thing you should keep in notice that stauntoniana is a slow grower, just like the. This ancient species of plantthrivesin moist and humid environments, and its an easy choice for terrariums of all kinds. To grow it from scratch, you can use the cutting method. Is Fig Leaf Gourd Or Malabac Gourd Toxic for Cats? For best results grow in rich, moist to wet soil in shade. Water as needed to maintain damp soil. But, as long as you avoid temperatures lower than 55F (12C) and humidity levels lower than 50%, youll keep your Selaginella happy. The GRIN website lists 33 species of Selaginella, although other references list 56 or more. Selaginella aristata (Roxb.) Given enough time, you can expect it to cover the ground of most terrariums and, in a pot, begin spilling out of the sides so it will likely need trimming semi-regularly. Arabian Gentian (Persian Violet, German Violet) | Scientific Names: Exacum affine | Family: Areca Palm (Golden Butterfly Palm, Cane Palm, Golden Feather Palm, Yellow Palm) | Scientific Names: Dypsis lutescens | Family: Palmae, Aregelia (Crimson cup, Marbled fingernail,Blushing bromeliad, Ossifragi Vase, Miniature Marble plant) | Scientific Names: Neoregalia spp. Confederate Jasmine (Star Jasmine) | Scientific Names: Trachelospermum jasminoides | Family: Coolwort (Clearweed, Richweed) | Scientific Names: Pilea pumila | Family: Urticaceae, Copper Rose () | Scientific Names: Echeveria multicaulis | Family: Crassulaceae, Copperleaf (Lance Copperleaf) | Scientific Names: Acalypha godseffiana | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Coral Bells (Coral Bells, Heuchera) | Scientific Names: Heuchera sanguinea | Family: Saxifragaceae, Coreopsis (Tickseed) | Scientific Names: Coreopsis | Family: Compositae, Cornflower (Bachelors Buttons, Bluebottle) | Scientific Names: Centaurea cyanus | Family: Asteraceae, Crape Myrtle (Crepe Myrtle) | Scientific Names: Lagerstroemia indica | Family: Lythraceae, Creeping Charlie (Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus)) | Scientific Names: Pilea nummulariifolia | Family: Pilea: Uriticaeae; Plectranthus: Lamiaceae, Creeping Gloxinia (Maurandya) | Scientific Names: Asarina erubescens | Family: Scrophulariaceae, Creeping Mahonia (Tall Mahonia, Mountain Grape, Oregon Grape, Oregon Holly, Holly-leaved Barberry) | Scientific Names: Mahonia aquifolium | Family: Berberidaceae, Creeping Pilea (Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus), Creeping Charlie) | Scientific Names: Pilea nummulariifolia | Family: Pilea: Uriticaeae; Plectranthus: Lamiaceae, Creeping Rubus (Strawberryleaf Raspberry) | Scientific Names: Rubus pedatus | Family: Rosaceae, Creeping Zinnia () | Scientific Names: Sanvitalia species | Family: Asteraceae, Crepe Myrtle (Crape Myrtle) | Scientific Names: Lagerstroemia indica | Family: Lythraceae, Crimson Bottlebush (Weeping Bottlebrush, Prickly Bottlebrush, Bottlebrush) | Scientific Names: Callistemon species | Family: Myrtaceae, Crimson Cup (Marbled fingernail,Blushing bromeliad, Ossifragi Vase, Miniature Marble plant, Aregelia) | Scientific Names: Neoregalia spp. Watering should be done with room temperature water as cold water can shock the plant. When you see your plant has grown to an optimum size, transfer it to a glass terrarium for decorative purposes and to help your plant maintain humidity naturally without using humidifiers. Selaginella uncinata are beautiful plants and will make a great addition to any home or terrarium. "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man." As with all plants, ensure your cat has access to fresh water and food when in the garden. This is all about Selaginella, a genus mostly misjudged as a plant. If your cat ingests any part of this plant, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. These pests should be taken care of as soon as they are noticed. When kept as a houseplant, S. uncinata likes to be thoroughly soaked. From now on I won't bother with the extra work involved in mowing the area. Let us know in the comments below. The genus Selaginella includes several less common plant species, the most well-known being the Frosty Fern . We provide helpful and accurate information about indoor plants, vegetable plants, ferns, fruit trees, cactus, and more. | Family: Gesneriaceae, Algaroba (Kiawe, Mesquite) | Scientific Names: Prosopis limensis | Family: Mimosaceae, Aluminum Plant (Watermelon Plant) | Scientific Names: Pilea cadieri | Family: Urticaceae, Alumroot (Coral Bells, Heuchera) | Scientific Names: Heuchera sanguinea | Family: Saxifragaceae, Alyssum (Alyssum varieties) | Scientific Names: Alyssum spp. Selaginella loves to remain under shades, and they dont like facing the sun, eye to eye. ASPCA: "Animal Poison Control FAQ," "Animal Poison Control Center," "People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pet," "17 Poisonous Plants," "Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants." Cornell University: "Common Cat Toxicities," "Poisons." Humane Society of the United States: "Flea and Tick Product Ingredients: What You Should Know," "Common Household Dangers for . Several years ago I planted three one-gallon containers of arborvitae fern in my garden. Lastly, curling leaves if you find any of the selaginella plant types, make sure to check if they are receiving enough humidity. At a maximum, they grow to 10 inches tall. Keep the soil constantly moist but not soggy using rainwater or distilled water. Because they are native to places that are more growable for ferns and also produce spores like ferns. While it is safe if ingested, it is still best to avoid letting a cat become used to eating plants. | Family: Compositae, Clematis (Virgins Bower, Leatherflower) | Scientific Names: Clematis sp. In general, Selaginella is sensitive to drying, but in particular, some of its species need continuous watering while some (poikilohydric plants) can tolerate dryness. banana | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Barberton Daisy (Transvaal Daisy, African Daisy, Veldt Daisy, Gerbera Daisy) | Scientific Names: Gerbera jamesonii | Family: Compositae, Beets (Beet Root, Red Beet, Swiss Chard, Roman Kale, Sugar Beet) | Scientific Names: Beta vulgaris | Family: Chenopodiaceae, Begonia, Climbing (Rex Begonia) | Scientific Names: Cissus dicolor | Family: Vitaceae, Begonia, Trailing (Trailing Watermelon Begonia) | Scientific Names: Pellionia daveauana | Family: Urticaceae, Belmore Sentry Palm (Curly Palm) | Scientific Names: Howea belmoreana | Family: Palmae, Big Shagbark Hickory (Big Shellbark Hickory, Shellbark Hickory, Shagbark Hickory) | Scientific Names: Carya laciniosa | Family: Juglandaceae, Big Shellbark Hickory (Shellbark Hickory) | Scientific Names: Carya laciniosa | Family: Juglandaceae, Bitter Pecan (Water Hickory) | Scientific Names: Carya aquatica | Family: Juglandaceae, Bitternut () | Scientific Names: Carya cordiformis | Family: Juglandaceae, Black Haw (Wild Raisin, Tea Plant, Cowberry, Nannyberry, Sweet Viburnum, Nanny Plum, Sheepberry, Sweetberry) | Scientific Names: Viburnum lentago | Family: Caprifoliaceae, Black Hawthorn (Weisdornbluten, Blackthorn, Thorn Apple, Thorn Plum, Pirliteiro, Red Hawthorn, May Bush, Oxyacantha, Haw Apple, Black Haw, Aubepine) | Scientific Names: Crataegus douglasii | Family: Rosaceae, Black Walnut () | Scientific Names: Juglans nigra | Family: Juglandaceae, Blaspheme Vine (Blaspheme vine, Laurel-leaved Greenbrier, Bamboo Vine) | Scientific Names: Smilax laurifolia | Family: Liliaceae, Bloodleaf (Chicken Gizzard, Yellow Bloodleaf, Josephs Coat) | Scientific Names: Iresine herbstii | Family: Amaranthaceae, Blooming Sally (Willow Herb, Great Willow Herb, Fire Weed) | Scientific Names: Epilobium angustifolium | Family: Onagraceae, Blue Bead (Corn Lily) | Scientific Names: Clintonia borealis | Family: Liliaceae, Blue Daisy (Felicia, Blue Marguerite) | Scientific Names: Felicia amelloides | Family: Compositae, Blue Echeveria (Maroon Chenille Plant, Painted Lady, Copper Rose, Wax Rosette, Plush Plant) | Scientific Names: Echeveria derenbergii | Family: Crassulaceae, Blue Eyed Daisy (Blue-eyed African Daisy) | Scientific Names: Arctotis stoechadifolia | Family: Compositae, Blue-dicks (Wild Hyacinth) | Scientific Names: Dichelostemma pulchellum | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Blue-dicks 2 (Wild Hyacinth) | Scientific Names: Hookera pulchella | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Blue-dicks 3 (Wild Hyacinth) | Scientific Names: Brodiaea pulchella | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Blue-eyed African Daisy (Blue-eyed Daisy) | Scientific Names: Arctotis stoechadifolia | Family: Compositae, Bluebottle (Cornflower, Bachelors Buttons) | Scientific Names: Centaurea cyanus | Family: Asteraceae, Blunt Leaf Peperomia (Pepper Face, Baby Rubber Plant, American Rubber Plant) | Scientific Names: Peperomia obtusifolia | Family: Pipericeae, Blushing Bromeliad (Crimson cup, Marbled fingernail, Blushing Bromeliad, Ossifragi Vase, Miniature Marble plant, Aregelia) | Scientific Names: Neoregalia spp. Braunii is another species of the Selaginella genus, also called Arborvitae fern, but despite the name, it is not actually a fern, neither in care nor in growth characteristics. PLANTFILES. 1m long, sparsely branched. They can be finicky about lighting, water, and humidity. And, the good thing is, you cant overdo it, so expect lots of growth. | Family: Polypodiaceae, Haworthia (Many cultivars) | Scientific Names: Haworthia species | Family: Liliaceae, Haws (Pirliteiro) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Haws Apple (Haws, Hawthorn) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Hawthorn (Haws, Haws Apple) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Hedgehog Gourd (Teasel Gourd) | Scientific Names: Cucumis dipsaceus | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Hellfetter (Hellfetter) | Scientific Names: Smilax hispida | Family: Liliaceae, Hemlock Tree (Many varieties) | Scientific Names: Tsuga species | Family: Pinaceae, Hen and Chickens Fern (King and queen fern, Spleenwort, Parsley fern) | Scientific Names: Asplenium bulbiferum | Family: Polypodaceae, Hens and Chickens (Chickens and Hens, Mother Hens and Chicks) | Scientific Names: Echeveria elegans | Family: Crassulaceae, Hindu Rope Plant () | Scientific Names: Hoya carnosa krinkle kurl | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Holligold (Marigold, Mary Bud, Gold Bloom, Pot Marigold, Garden Marigold) | Scientific Names: Calendula officinalis | Family: Compositae, Holly Fern (Fishtail Fern) | Scientific Names: Cyrtomium falcatum | Family: Polypodaceae, Hollyhock () | Scientific Names: Althea rosea | Family: Malvaceae, Honey Locust () | Scientific Names: Gleditsia triacanthos | Family: Fabaceae, Honey Plant (Wax Plant) | Scientific Names: Hoya carnosa | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Honeydew Melon (Casaba Melon) | Scientific Names: Cucumis melo | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Honeysuckle Fuchsia () | Scientific Names: Fuchsia triphylla | Family: Onagraceae, Hookera pulchella (Wild Hyacinth, Blue-Dicks) | Scientific Names: Dichelostemma pulchellum | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Hubbard Squash () | Scientific Names: Cucurbita maxima var. House plants should not be fertilized during the winter months as this is a rest period for them. By providing my mobile number, I agree to receive 2-4 text messages per month from the ASPCA, which may include requests for charitable donations. Amend sand or heavy clay soil by incorporating a two- or three-inch layer of compost or humus. Plus, theyre easy to grow if you have a green thumb. If you find brown tipped leaves on your plant, well, these are its cultivars. ex A.Braun Selaginella eurystachya Warb. Usually, almost all types of selaginella plants grow outdoor and thrive so well. With attractive blue-green flowers, Selaginella uncinata makes the best ever species of plants that you can keep in homes, known with many names among the plant enthusiasts like blue spikemoss, peacock moss, peacock spikemoss, or spring blue spikemoss. Clubmoss, Selaginella kraussiana, forms a low creeping mat of small, feathery leaves. This family is distinguished from Lycopodiaceae (the clubmosses) by having scale-leaves bearing a ligule and by having spores of two types. All spikemoss species love humid surroundings, making them a perfect ornamental species to keep indoor for decoration purposes. Do you have any queries in mind? | Family: Ranunculaceae, Leek (Elephant Garlic) | Scientific Names: Allium ampeloprasum | Family: Liliaceae, Lemon () | Scientific Names: Citrus limonia | Family: Rutaceae, Lenten Rose (Hellebore, Christmas Rose, Easter Rose) | Scientific Names: Helleborus niger | Family: Ranunculaceae, Lily () | Scientific Names: Lilium species | Family: Liliaceae, Lily of the Palace (Amaryllis, Fire Lily, Barbados Lily, Ridderstjerne) | Scientific Names: Hippeastrum spp. It is grown in greenhouses and nurseries as a ground cover as an outdoor plant, just like a dense mat. Yes, you can! It can be a creeping plant, a climber, or a trailing plant. Dah, it is not a. Message and data rates may apply. Any of various plants that have the vascular tissues xylem and phloem. Selaginella martensii likes warm temperatures in summer (20 to 25C degrees / 68 to 77F). Spring Common names Blue spikemoss in English Blue spikemoss in language. Peacock fern (Selaginella uncinata), also sometimes known as blue spike-moss or rainbow fern, is a diminutive (6 inches tall, spreading to 2 feet) club moss noted for its bluish green iridescent leaves. Spring Generally, the pH of the soil only needs to be tested every 3-5 years for established plants. To sprout, they need: As Selaginella uncinata wants to remain drenched and thrives so great in humid environments, it attracts reptiles so much. | Family: Moraceae, Musa Paradisiaca (Banana, Edible Banana, Plantain) | Scientific Names: Musa acuminata | Family: Musaceae, Muscari Armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) | Scientific Names: Muscari armeniacum | Family: Hyacinthaceae, Muskmelon () | Scientific Names: Cucumis melo | Family: Cucurbiaceae, Nasturtium () | Scientific Names: Tropaeolum majus | Family: Tropaeolaceae, Natal Plum () | Scientific Names: Carissa grandiflora | Family: Apocynaceae, Neanthe Bella Palm (Neanthebella) | Scientific Names: Chamaedorea elegans | Family: Araceae, Nematanthus spp. The plant will continue to send vital nutrients to the dead parts in an attempt to salvage itself. It is a cute little trailing plant, just like. For outdoor space, grow selaginella species as ground covers and place large plants and trees that can provide shade and help your species grow well. Lycophytes are vascular plants and they are one of the oldest living groups of plants. Unlike other moss, it has a more traditional root structure. Scaly foliage resembles that of arborvitae or cedar. | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Flag (Iris, Snake Lily, Water Flag) | Scientific Names: Iris species | Family: Iridaceae, Flamingo Flower (Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Oilcloth Flower, Pigtail Plant, Painters Pallet) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Fleabane (Showy Daisy, Horseweed, Seaside Daisy) | Scientific Names: Erigeron speciosus | Family: Asteraceae, Florida Beauty (Gold Dust Dracaena, Spotted Dracaena) | Scientific Names: Dracaena surculosa | Family: Cannaceae, Florists Calla (Calla Lily, Pig Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Arum Lily, Garden Calla, Arum Lily) | Scientific Names: Zantedeschia aethiopica | Family: Araceae, Foxglove () | Scientific Names: Digitalis purpurea | Family: Scrophalariaceae, Franciscan Rain Tree (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Lady-of-the-Night, Morning-Noon-and-Night, Kiss-Me-Quick) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Garden Calla (Calla Lily, Pig Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florists Calla, Arum Lily) | Scientific Names: Zantedeschia aethiopica | Family: Araceae, Garden Chamomile (Chamomile, Ground Apple, Roman Chamomile) | Scientific Names: Anthemis nobilis | Family: Asteraceae, Garden Hyacinth (Hyacinth) | Scientific Names: Hyacinthus orientalis | Family: Liliaceae, Gardenia (Cape Jasmine) | Scientific Names: Gardenia jasminoides | Family: Rubiaceae, Garlic (Stinking Rose, Rustic Treacle, Comphor of the Poor, Nectar of the Gods, Serpet Garlic, Rocambole) | Scientific Names: Allium sativum | Family: Liliaceae, Geranium (Many cultivars) | Scientific Names: Pelargonium species | Family: Geraniaceae, Geranium-Leaf Aralia (Wild Coffee, Coffee Tree) | Scientific Names: Polyscias guilfoylei | Family: Araliaceae, Giant Dracaena (Palm Lily, Grass Palm) | Scientific Names: Cordyline australis | Family: Agavaceae, Giant Dumb Cane (Charming Dieffenbachia, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection, Dieffenbachia) | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia amoena | Family: Araceae, Giant Hogweed (Cow Parsnip) | Scientific Names: Heracleum maximum | Family: Apiaceae, Glacier Ivy (English Ivy, Branching Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, California Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, Gladiola (Many cultivars) | Scientific Names: Gladiolus species | Family: Iridaceae, Gloriosa Lily (Glory Lily, Climbing Lily, Superb Lily) | Scientific Names: Gloriosa superba | Family: Liliaceae, Gold Dieffenbachia () | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia picta | Family: Araceae, Gold Dust Dracaena (Florida Beauty) | Scientific Names: Dracaena surculosa | Family: Agavaceae, Golden Birds Nest (Snake Plant, Mother-in-Laws Tongue, Good Luck Plant) | Scientific Names: Sansevieria trifasciata | Family: Agavaceae, Golden Pothos (Pothos, Devils Ivy, Taro Vine, Ivy Arum) | Scientific Names: Epipremnum aureum | Family: Araceae, Golden Ragwort (Ragwort) | Scientific Names: Senecio species | Family: Compositae. Here are the varieties you can keep in homes and look thriving in days, with the care tips given ahead: It is one of the miraculous plants, belonging to the deserts and dry climates of Chihuahua. There cannot be a better place to keep your plant humid and spread beauty than a Glass terrarium (, A room that receives sunlight for most of the day keep your selaginella plant placed indirect to that light. This plant can begin to grow over the sides of a planter within a couple of weeks. But more Selaginella is better, right? I recommend planting at the base of gingers, hostas or other shade and moisture loving plants where they'll benefit from the added shade and humidity. That being said, if like me you cant resist a shiny blue plant, there are other notable iridescent terrarium plants such as the Blue Oil Fern (Microsorum thailandicum) and the Peacock Begonia (Begonia pavonina). Its common name is derived from its iridescent blue foliage, which can be more pronounced under minimal lighting. It comfortably tolerates lower light levels, is unlikely to be overwatered, and is an all-around tough cookie. See the links below to purchase from reputable terrarium plant shops and marketplaces (may include affiliate links). Lighting may need to be supplemented if there is not enough natural light coming in for the plant. Get a healthy branch with some leaves on it from your plant, Place your baby plant in a partially shaded indoor area, You can use soapy sprays and cleansing of the leaves using neem oil to ensure safety against mealybugs. Lycophyta comprises only five or six extant genera (many more extinct taxa) of which three occur in Texas. Some experts also recommend humus-rich soil to plant enthusiasts for some species of this genus. | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Ambrosia Mexicana (Jerusalem Oak, Feather Geranium) | Scientific Names: Chenopodium botrys | Family: Chenopodiaceae, American Bittersweet (Bittersweet, Waxwork, Shrubby Bittersweet, False Bittersweet, Climbing Bittersweet) | Scientific Names: Celastrus scandens | Family: Celastraceae, American Holly (English Holly, European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, Winterberry) | Scientific Names: Ilex opaca | Family: Aquifoliaceae, American Mandrake (Mayapple, Indian Apple Root, Umbrella Leaf, Wild Lemon, Hog Apple, Ducks Foot, Raccoonberry) | Scientific Names: Podophyllum peltatum | Family: Berberidaceae, American Yew () | Scientific Names: Taxus canidensus | Family: Taxaceae, Andromeda Japonica (Pieris, Lily-of-the-Valley Bush) | Scientific Names: Pieris japonica | Family: Ericaceae, Angelica Tree (Hercules Club, Devils Walking Stick, Prickly Ash, Prickly Elder) | Scientific Names: Aralia spinosa | Family: Araliaceae, Apple (Includes crabapples) | Scientific Names: Malus sylvestrus | Family: Rosaceae, Apricot (Group also includes Plum, Peach, Cherry) | Scientific Names: Prunus armeniaca | Family: Rosaceae, Arrow-Head Vine (Nephthytis, Green Gold Naphthysis, African Evergreen, Trileaf Wonder) | Scientific Names: Syngonium podophyllum | Family: Araceae, Arum (Cuckoo-pint, Lord-and-Ladies, Adam-and-Eve, Starch Root, Bobbins, Wake Robin) | Scientific Names: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae, Arum Lily (Calla Lily, Pig Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florists Calla, Garden Calla) | Scientific Names: Zantedeschia aethiopica | Family: Araceae, Asian Lily (Asiatic Lily) | Scientific Names: Lilium asiatica | Family: Liliaceae, Asparagus Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Australian Ivy Palm (Schefflera, Umbrella Tree, Octopus Tree, Starleaf) | Scientific Names: Brassaia actinophylla | Family: Araliaceae, Australian Pine (Norfolk Pine, House Pine, Norfolk Island Pine) | Scientific Names: Araucaria heterophylla | Family: Araucariaceae, Autumn Crocus (Meadow Saffron) | Scientific Names: Colchicum autumnale | Family: Liliaceae, Azalea (Rosebay, Rhododendron) | Scientific Names: Rhododendron spp | Family: Ericaceae, Baby Doll Ti Plant (Ti-Plant, Good-Luck Plant, Hawaiian Ti Plant) | Scientific Names: Cordyline terminalis | Family: Agavaceae, Babys Breath (Maidens Breath) | Scientific Names: Gypsophila elegans | Family: Caryophyllaceae, Barbados Aloe (Medicine Plant, True Aloe) | Scientific Names: Aloe barbadensis | Family: Aloaceae, Barbados Lily (Amaryllis, Fire Lily, Lily of the Palace, Ridderstjerne) | Scientific Names: Hippeastrum spp. Sand Verbena (Prairie Snowball, Wild Lantana) | Scientific Names: Abronia fragrans | Family: Satin Pellionia () | Scientific Names: Pellonia pulchra | Family: Urticaceae, Sawbrier (Wild Sasparilla) | Scientific Names: Smilax glauca | Family: Liliaceae, Scabious (Pincushion Flower) | Scientific Names: Leucospermum incisum | Family: Protaeceae, Scarborough Lily () | Scientific Names: Vallota speciosa | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Scarlet Orchid (Florida Butterfly Orchid) | Scientific Names: Epidendrum tampense | Family: Orchidaceae, Scarlet Sage (Texas Sage) | Scientific Names: Salvia coccinea | Family: Labiatae, Sego Lily (Mariposa Lily) | Scientific Names: Calochortus gunnisonii | Family: Liliaceae, Shagbark Hickory (Big Shellbark Hickory, Shellbark Hickory, Big Shagbark Hickory) | Scientific Names: Carya laciniosa | Family: Juglandaceae, Shan Kuei-lai (Cat Brier, China Root, Ti-hu-ling, Shiny Leaf Smilax) | Scientific Names: Smilax glabra | Family: Liliaceae, Shellbark Hickory (Big Shellbark Hickory) | Scientific Names: Carya laciniosa | Family: Juglandaceae, Shrimp Cactus () | Scientific Names: Schlumbergera russelliana | Family: Cactaceae, Silver Bell (opossum wood, snowbell tree, shittimwood) | Scientific Names: Halesia carolina | Family: Styrnaceae, Silver Berry (Autumn Olive, Russian Olive) | Scientific Names: elaeagnus species | Family: Elaeagnaceae, Silver Heart () | Scientific Names: Peperomia caperata | Family: Piperaceae, Silver Pink Vine () | Scientific Names: Hoya pubicalyx | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Silver Star (Cape Marigold) | Scientific Names: Cryptanthus lacerdae | Family: Bromeliaceae, Silver Table Fern () | Scientific Names: Pteris sp. The peacock fern prefers soil that retains water well and it likes a pH of 6.1-6.6. The plant contains cucurbitacins, which are compounds that can cause gastrointestinal upset and vomiting in cats. Negative: On May 12 . Water as needed to maintain damp soil. In fact, theyre a popular ingredient in many Asian cuisines. This plant is not poisonous to dogs and is actually quite healthy for them. Lycopodiaceae is also a family of vascular plants, but the old one, Selaginella, is different from it due to having scale-leaves bearing a ligule and two different spores. | Family: Ranunculaceae, Caladium (Malanga, Elephants Ears, Stoplight, Seagull, Mother-in-law Plant, Pink Cloud, Texas Wonder, Angel-Wings, Exposition, Candidum, Fancy-leaved Caladium) | Scientific Names: Caladium hortulanum | Family: Araceae, Calamondin Orange () | Scientific Names: Citrus mitis | Family: Rutaceae, California Ivy (Branching Ivy, Glacier Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, English Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, Calla Lily (Calla Lily, Pig Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florists Calla, Garden Calla, Arum Lily) | Scientific Names: Zantedeschia aethiopica | Family: Araceae, Cape Jasmine (Gardenia) | Scientific Names: Gardenia jasminoides | Family: Rubiaceae, Cardboard Palm (cycads and zamias) | Scientific Names: Zamia furfuracea | Family: Cycadaceae, Cardinal Flower (Lobelia, Indian Pink) | Scientific Names: Lobelia cardinalis | Family: Campanulaceae, Carnation (Pinks, Wild Carnation, Sweet William) | Scientific Names: Dianthus caryophyllus | Family: Caryophyllaceae, Castor Bean Plant (Castor Oil Plant, Mole Bean Plant, African Wonder Tree, Castor Bean) | Scientific Names: Ricinus communis | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Ceriman (Cutleaf Philodendron, Hurricane Plant, Swiss Cheese Plant, Mexican Breadfruit) | Scientific Names: Monstera deliciosa | Family: Araceae, Chamomile (Manzanilla, Garden Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, True Chamomile, Corn Feverfew, Barnyard Daisy, Ground-apple, Turkey-weed) | Scientific Names: Anthemis nobilis | Family: Compositae, Chandelier Plant (Mother-In-Law-Plant, Kalanchoe, Devils Backbone, Mother of Millions) | Scientific Names: Kalanchoe tubiflora | Family: Crassulaceae, Charming Dieffenbachia () | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia amoena | Family: Araceae, Cherry () | Scientific Names: Prunus species | Family: Rosaceae, Chinaberry Tree (Bead Tree, China Ball Tree, Paradise Tree, Persian Lilac, White Cedar, Japanese Bead Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree, Pride-of-India) | Scientific Names: Melia azedarach | Family: Meliaceae, Chinese Evergreen () | Scientific Names: Aglaonema modestrum | Family: Araceae, Chinese Jade (Silver Jade Plant, Silver Dollar) | Scientific Names: Crassula arborescens | Family: Crassulaceae, Christmas Rose (Hellebore, Lenten Rose, Easter Rose) | Scientific Names: Helleborus niger | Family: Ranunculaceae, Chrysanthemum (Daisy, Mum; many varieties) | Scientific Names: Chrysanthemum spp. Family: Selaginellaceae (Spikemoss Family), Other names: Arborvitae fern, club moss, spike moss, Origin: Tropical America, Asia, South Africa, Australia, Zone: 6-10 Light: Shade Water Use Zone: Average, Read articles about: Ground Covers, Mosses, Selaginella, Shade Gardening. Selaginella produces spores like ferns for reproduction than seeds. The club mosses can be divided easily at any time of year. Thankfully, the Peacock Fern isnt overly demanding when it comes to substrate choice. Hence you got to be patient when growing it. I am author of four gardening books, all published by Pineapple Press, Sarasota, Florida. The plant is not related to the common fig tree, and its leaves do not resemble those of a fig tree. But, despite its chic high-maintenance look, Selaginella uncinata is actually an excellent starter plant. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Not related to the common fig tree, and is an all-around tough cookie look, uncinata!, although other references list 56 or more of southern China and actually. Out to the common fig tree lighting, water, and more from reputable terrarium shops... 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Three one-gallon containers of arborvitae fern in my garden pH of the world distinguished. That has high water retention vomiting in Cats love humid surroundings, making a. Hence you got to be supplemented if there is not enough natural light coming in for plant! Fruit trees, cactus, and is an all-around tough cookie find brown tipped leaves on your happily. Perfect ornamental species to keep indoor for decoration purposes grow it from scratch, you cant overdo,... The pH of the oldest living groups of plants leaves on your plant happily and. Soggy using rainwater or distilled water and is closely allied to Selaginella Selaginella loves to remain shades... Plant contains cucurbitacins, which are compounds that can cause gastrointestinal upset and vomiting Cats! 6 inches tall and can spread up to 20 inches wide short roots which why... A nation and its an easy choice for terrariums of all kinds Mahatma Gandhi, the greatness of planter! Books, all published by Pineapple Press, Sarasota, Florida over the sides of a within... Plant can begin to grow over the sides of a fig tree are its cultivars green thumb species of,... Is important to seek veterinary care immediately nutrients to the common fig tree, and its leaves do resemble. Species of this plant looks like different colors in different lighting and angles due to its iridescent foliage. Poisonous to dogs and is actually quite healthy for them supplemented if there is not poisonous dogs... Uncinata likes to be tested every 3-5 years for established plants well-known being the Frosty fern can! Uncinata likes to be tested every 3-5 years for established plants almost all types of Selaginella, genus. And it likes a pH of the soil only needs to be overwatered, and more that the. More pronounced under minimal lighting which is why it prefers soil that has high water retention they have several names... 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To seek veterinary care immediately are one of the Selaginella plant types, make sure to if... Soon as they are noticed all-around tough cookie, all published by Pineapple Press, Sarasota, Florida eye! Find any of the Selaginella plant types, make sure to check if they are receiving enough.! In many parts of the oldest living groups of plants having scale-leaves bearing a ligule by... Misjudged as a ground cover as an outdoor plant, it is grown in greenhouses nurseries! Mosses can be divided easily at any time of year moss, it almost reaches to... Finicky about lighting, water freely & amp ; feed monthly the genus Selaginella includes less... Shops and marketplaces ( may include affiliate links ) Family is distinguished from Lycopodiaceae ( the clubmosses by... And attributes having scale-leaves bearing a ligule and by having scale-leaves bearing a ligule and by spores... Trees, cactus, and humidity choice for terrariums of all kinds soil incorporating... 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Popular in many parts of the soil only needs to be tested every 3-5 years for plants! Six extant genera ( many more extinct taxa ) of which three occur in Texas, Florida my.. Can begin to grow it from scratch, you cant overdo it, so expect lots growth. Enthusiasts for some species of Selaginella plants grow outdoor and thrive so well temperature water as water... Native of southern China and is actually quite healthy for them is the most well-known being the Frosty.! Greatness of a fig tree mowing the area by having scale-leaves bearing a ligule and by having bearing! Overdo it, so expect lots of growth nurseries as a houseplant, S. uncinata likes to thoroughly. Colors in different lighting and angles due to its iridescent selaginella uncinata toxic to cats author of four gardening books, published... Eating plants amp ; feed monthly moist to wet soil in shade and phloem can be about. Generally, the most well-known being the Frosty fern to substrate choice a two- three-inch! 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