kirk and spock fanfiction

After a close friend dies,Kirk starts having sleeping problems and Spock discovers that there was a mental link between the two men. They kept the ball rolling with letter-writing campaigns, zines, and conventions, and their tireless dedication was a big part of what would eventually turnStar Trek into a cultural phenomenon. They have lawyers, Killa summarizes. At first, the tradition was one that took place deeply underground. People literally barricaded the door and said you girls are in the wrong place. They thought that we had just come in by accident., When she started the Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive, she says it felt risky. As a result, she had a policy of not taking any money for her work, which she thinks may have kept her out of trouble. Jim has heard rumors that chocolate is apparently the one substance in the galaxy that can make a Vulcan intoxicated. In Federation high society, the rumor mill is rarely in want of decent fodder and when the sons of Sarek and George Kirk butt heads at a gala, that fodder is about to turn into a buffet. For most of fandom history, fanfic works were difficult to find and easy to lose, either to lack of upkeep or to cease and desist letters. Neither Jim or Spock are aware that Jim has been impregnated at first, but soon they become aware. Chris Pine Keanu Reeves . the ups and downs of you by raphaela667 AOS. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. So if youre one of the early fandoms creating a lot of firsts, then whatever that fandom centers on will influence other fandoms down the line, Killa says. This story takes place after the reboot series. Posts . Fuck it, it was a stupid idea. Unexpected things happen to Kirk and Spock on the enterprise, in shots. So he visits Earth and hires Jim Kirk as his guide, with predictable results. Cue Journey to Babel when Amanda and Sarek arrive on board along with another guest., The Balance of Things by bindictive AOS AU. During a scout out on a once technologically advanced planet, Spock and Kirk stumble across an old, left behind piece of technology. Spock matriculates to Starfleet Academy with a mysterious past and an uncertain future. Hopefully there's something interesting in here! AOS: kid fic, fluff, spock prime This is a reponse to Samantha-Kathy's challenge: Spock Prime Raises Kirk. Angst-lite for a change, humor and sufficient quantities ofahem. Fluffy de-aged fic. Meanwhile, Spock and the Enterprise are in hot pursuit until a message from Starfleet and the work of highly intelligent kidnappers lead them astray. He asks everyone if they want to spend time together but sadly, everyone ditches Jim over the holidays because they have plans. The consensus seems to be that slash fanfiction as we know it first emerged into the open with Diane Marchant's 1974 Kirk/Spock story "A Fragment Out of Time.". Spock hallucinates that Jim has been de-aged to five years old and responds accordingly. Spock avoids to determine a state, so life determines it for him.Spock monologue (K/S, K/Mc implied). This is a dark fic, exploring some dark themes. Spock convinces a blinded Kirk to allow him to create a mental link between them while they are stranded on an uninhabited planet after the shuttle crashes. Marchant did not "invent . And then things become complicated. The first K/S stories appear to have been written in England in the . Academy AU. It ended in pon farr., Once Upon a Time (A Fairy-Tale Love Story) by littlebirdtold AOS AU. In many ways it expanded on the same framework as the Kirk/Spock archive an all-inclusive site that nonetheless allowed for robust tagging and searching. He meets his neighbor Spock, a loner who suffers from extreme agoraphobia. While crew members search for a solution, Kirk & Spock play together on the Enterprise. It always has been and always will be, regardless of the fact that James T. Kirk has just woken up in a new and different body. When people talk about fandom, Star Trek and particularly the ship are often credited with being the origin of many aspects of modern fan spaces. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Dear Penpal,Im James T. Kirk. I have sixteen biobeds and nineteen miserable Vulcans. Ive also clearly labeled all the mpreg ones because I know so readers dont like them, so just skip those and enjoy the rest :) If you notice anything Ive mislabeled please let me know so I can fix it. James T. Kirk is a man's name. Spock's fingers tingle. For the kinkmeme prompt: Spock gets de-aged and attaches himself to Kirk. Fate decides it will be, but not in the way Jim had planned. They watch him make friends and start what will hopefully be a successful career. Kirk and Spock end up in a Romulan prison after the ship they are passengers on is taken by Orion slavers.,, Well Be in Our Hidden Place by June AOS,, Unplanned Parenthood by waketosleep AOS pre-slash. Every rescue is slightly different; for example the collection created on AO3 might be open to new works, or it might be preserved as it was at the time of the import. Whatever mistakes remain are solely my own. Spock is doing his best to move on from his bondmates death when Dr. McCoy finds Jimvery much aliveon a far-flung mining planet. It had been building all these years no one set of circumstances was the cause now; it seemed it had been inevitable from the outset. That doesnt seem right. Plus Christmas!,, Side Effects May Include by lah_mrh TOS. I'll stay a while longer to iron out some paper work." Kirk walked back into the canteen and looked at Spock and Bones. Im not sure how many fanfiction there are in this list but Id guess at least a hundred. Its a Vulcan popsicle., Plomeek Soup for the Vulcan Soul by museaway AOS. But thats not where their story starts. This story will focus on the drama and events we didnt get to see in the original episode, plus in the episodes aftermath. Because I have strep throat and feel like dog food, Im making poor Jim suffer too. While they wait for Bones to arrive in Tthe City on the Edge of Forever, Kirk and Spock discover the joys and frustrations of living together. [Things] changed so quickly when AO3 became a reality that its hard to even remember back to the way that we thought about things then.. The consequences of how he deals with that belief change everything for them. My name is unpronounceable to most humans, so you may call me Spock. Jim is particularly uncomfortable with his unexpected transformation and struggles, with the help of his friends and his partner, to come to terms with his new physicality. Jim and Spock , who can barely tolerate working together, let alone come anywhere near the epic friendship theyre supposed to have, find themselves on an inhospitable (but strangely not uninhabited) planet- stranded from the Enterprise. Something cute, romantic with the boys spending time with one another and confessions., Nothing To Sneeze At by Dana Austin Marsh TOS, While on a diplomatic mission, Kirks allergy to the inhabitants is remedied by a drug that he has an even worse reaction to. Jims willing to fight for the bright future they were promised, but the one thing standing in its way is Spock himself. The elders of New Vulcan decide to resurrect an ancient custom, and suddenly Jim must help find his First Officer an honorable Vulcan husband. A lot. Inside Archive of Our Owns latest rescue mission. He wrote that Spock thought of Kirk as his thyla, noting that the word could mean friend, brother, or lover. It goes on to suggest that Kirk has had sexual experiences with many beings that are not human women, Rebaza summarizes. The pressure on the fingers of his right hand increases, and he becomes aware of warmth. On Doctors, Revenges and Christmas Gifts. There he meets an extremely interesting and unsettling human boy., The Handmaid of Genius by ladyblahblah AOS. profilo di adele ross blogger autore. [emailprotected]. Now, he could not prevent this, any more than he could stop a solar eclipse even if he really desired to. Take This Sinking Boat (And Point It Home), This Trailer Park Is a Shithole but Goddammit, It's Home, On the Subtle (and not) Differences Between Vulcan Handshakes and Human Kisses, Friendship and Love, Xenolinguistics, Astrophysics, and Love: The Complete Education of a Starship Captain, used to be one of the rotten ones (and I liked you for that), The Immovable Object and the Unopposable Force, What We Don't Say (or The Epic Wedding of Jim and Spock), 5x Spock melded w/Kirk & 1x Kirk melded w/Spock, pulling pigtails and other methods of human communication, You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While). Kirk's skin is cool to the touch, his hair softer than Spock imagined, and the stiffness he expects to feel at the base of Kirk's neck at this unexpected contact is strangely absent. My teacher said we have to write our full names. If you are one of these authors, who somehow missed all the announcements and didn't receive an invitation, please. Kirk thinks it's cute but nothing serious. Jim wanted their first Valentines day together to be something special. Others split along lines that will be very familiar to anyone in fandom these characters are or should be in a relationship versus no they shouldnt., Mailing lists alleviated [the arguments] a little bit, but it also just led to more fragmentation, says Killa. In another universe, captaining a starship is Jim Kirks first, best destiny. A super-dick.Rating: MatureWords: 2479Alternate Universe - College/UniversityNi'VarAuthor: WerewolvesAreReal Summary: Humans have daemons. With the captain out of commission on a regular basis and Spock struggling to preserve his stoicism, staying alive is difficult enough but when a slim chance for escape surfaces, their resolve is truly put to the test. ), Updated on Mar 29, 12 Created on Dec 23, 09. Follow the adventures of the Enterprise as he re-discovers who he truly is on the course of the five-year mission. Indeed, the term "slash" derives from the expression "Kirk slash Spock". True to its goals, the Archive bridged many gaps within the fandom. Kirk/Spock, also commonly referred to as "K/S" and based on characters from the 1966-1969 television series "Star Trek", was the first prominent slash pairing to appear in English-language fan fiction. Kirk has trouble sleeping, so decides to enjoy some time on the bridge watching a nebula bloom. This time the modified probes deliver inspiration to our young heroes, hoping to give more focus to the wild Jim Kirk he knew and show the value of creativity to the inflexible Spock he remembers being. Please enter a valid email and try again. Kirk and Spock build a relationship through chess. When Jim gets hurt, Spock is there to protect him. The Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive isnt the first piece of Star Trek fan history that Open Doors has saved. Then again Jim Kirk was never one to back down from a challenge. The Nexus releases Kirk in the year 2254, but he soon realizes that this isnt his universe. This, of course, primarily comes from early fans distinguishing between Kirk/Spock and Kirk & Spock., Killa and Rebaza, as well as many other writers across the decades, attribute the popularity of Kirk/Spock and the subsequent explosion of slash fic to the prevalence of women in the Star Trek fandom. Kirk and Spock are stranded in NY 1932, and it's New Year's eve Two men share for one night what in reality they will never have. As an ambitious young captain, James Kirk agrees to the mergeronly to find that his ambitions soon change. Unlike the Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive, its focus wasnt on tagging and searchability, but taking submissions from authors and artists and gathering them together for publication as an offline zine would. Want more stories like this? Looking to the Stars (Like Theyve Got All the Answers) by shards_of_divinity AOS, Jim and Spocks relationship is on the edge of something deeper than friendship. Jim goes on shore leave to Vulcan, where a disaster half-happened. Inspired loosely by Pretty Woman; pre-movie AU.Rating: NC-17Words: 86262142 DaysAuthor: jeyhawkSummary: Jims roommate is a dick. Poetry [641] For all poems, long, short, and in-between. 118 notes, Next post If he had only listened to this logic he wouldnt find himself in this position, standing on the bridge having just called his captain ashayam. Too many things are different, so many details are wrong. When I first got into the Kirk/Spock fandom it was very under the table. Kirk saves Vulcan from Nero at high cost to himself. It really should follow Just A Small Family Affair, except Ive never gotten around to finishing that one (too intimidated by Sarek). The failsafe also involves deeply selfish things, but you can't fault an old man for wanting the youth to have more opportunities than he ever could. Written as POV's after the events of the TOS episode 'The Devil in the Dark'. So count your last breaths, son, and hold on tight. kid!Spock, K/S preslash,, Weve all had it. Long story short, I accidentally ended up in another universe and Look, I know it sounds crazy, but in that universe, wethe other me and youare married and youre the crown prince of Vulcan Kingdom. So much gratitude to you for your help. So he visits Earth and hires Jim Kirk as his guide, with predictable results. I know that the novelization of The Voyage Home states that sugar - not chocolate - has intoxicating effects on Vulcans, and that apparently Quark once offered a Vulcan the choice of Vulcan port or chocolate, but thats about it. Star Treks longevity as the internet era grew also allowed it to be ahead of its time, Killa says. (Best summary I can give without giving away spoilers. It falls to Spock to pick up the pieces. At his first officers request, Kirk diverts the Enterprise to New Vulcan so he can marry TPring, who survived Vulcans destruction. As a gift from a civilisation they helped, Jim and Spock are sent into the future where they meet their 18 yr old son. Daffodil TimeAuthor: ladyblahblahSummary: Because the kid whos coming is Vulcan, for heavens sake. (yes they will be short very short) It was Black women who didnt see themselves represented., An incident during a shore leave gone disastrous leaves Spock with a link he never expected with his captaina bond he needs but which he suspects Jim never wanted. Judy Blume Clarifies That She's Pro-Trans Rights, Says 'Sunday Times' Quoted Her Out of Context, Queen Latifahs 1989 Debut Album Just Made History. My thanks go to Robin and Jenna Sinclair for their excellent editing skills., The De-Aged Story That Wasnt by lalazee AOS. This Deadly Innocence was originally published in 1979 in the print fanzine Naked Times 3. Its the first part of a WiP series and leaves off a bloody angsty cliffhanger. . Entering a new chapter in life is difficult when youre single., Captain Kirks Plomeek Soup by Dracavia AOS. With a fandom older than the internet, and the fragmentation previously described by Killa, much of the work is no longer accessible. The Tea that Broke the Camel's Back by wren10514 reviews., Hi, You Were My Husband in Another Life, Professor by littlebirdtold AOS AU. The Original Series Spirk Fanfic Rec List. This child is destined to be a leader, albeit a reluctant one, and at his side his bright t'hy'la. (AO3 also has strict rules preventing authors from asking for compensation.) I have friends whove had IP issues, cease and desist letters, things like that., This was one of the key issues that OTW wanted to tackle through its creation of AO3. Firstly, Open Doors agrees terms with the owner of the original archive. I think this counts as romance, Crew of the Starship Enterprise - Relationship, Nyota's Nails (Or, Just Because You're a Communications Officer Doesn't Mean You Like Gossip), Nyota Uhura & Crew of the Starship Enterprise, Nyota does not know why everyone confides in her. Which is more severe for a Vulcan/Human hybrid. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Yet, Ive never actually read anything other than the space between the lines in the script for Amok Time that is actually about Kirk and Spock getting together. Then I gave an overview of the rise of modern fandom in regards to LGBTQIA+ themes. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. All you could do was survive them. Events like fests and exchanges, recommendation lists and archives, and people spreading the word that if you like X then Y is the place to visit., Star Trek was one of the first communities to facilitate these connections on a large scale. When their kidnappers ship crashes to an uncharted and uninhabited planet, Jim and Spock have to fight to stay alive, and the strength of their uncertain relationship is tested when Spock enters Pon Farr,, Please dont touch the Vulcans by museaway AOS. Youll probably ignore me anyway; I know I would if I were a Vulcan and got a call like that from some stranger. AO3 had such an impact that Killa says she finds it difficult to remember exactly how things were before its conception. (This is intended to be like an episode of TOS, so I'm sticking as closely as possible to TOS canon.) All of this started when I Actually, no, it started when my mom got it into her head that well, its kind of complicated. Although a good deal of early fiction [featuring Kirk and Spock] was neither sexually explicit nor even always specifically romantic, theres no doubt that many writers wanted to step beyond what was already a strong friendship forged under often dire circumstances, she says. Star Trek: 2009 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 960 - Reviews: 128 - Favs: 1,108 - Follows: 121 - Published: Jul 23, 2009 - J. Kirk, Spock - Complete. We are the home of 860 authors from among our 11093 members. Youre under the influence of some kind of lust ray! Eh, close enough. After complaining about how ill prepared newly graduated cadets are, Kirk is volunteered to lead a group on a survival course but he manages to bring his first officer, and lover, with him. McCoy forces Kirk and Spock to write an ongoing list of things they like about each other. A dick dick. Humanity (Spock/Kirk) by Madeline. The Lure by Miss Nightshadow reviews. After Spock went to Gol, Kirk's hurt accumulates over time, so when Spock comes back, he is not greeted well. spockxkirk spirk startrek spock kirk jimkirk tos fanfiction fluff boyxboy. @touch-me-spirk /, wanting not to want you wont make it so (it doesnt work that way), Reblogging so I can read this when I get home, a drawing gift i gave for someones amazing spirk book, Kids who bullied Spock were probably like Youll never be successful at anything because youre a hybrid and of course he comes back to Vulcan years later, sunglasses on, riding on the back of Jims motorcycle with a shiny record and awards from Starfleet like I have a good career and a t'hy'labeat that bitch., sorry, i wanted to draw something but I ran out of time , Im in the middle of covertly writing Spirk smut on my phone while on my lunch break at work and my coworker stops by like, Sooo, whatcha doing?, Guys if you can help me get to 450 on my cosplay Insta I will do a fem! 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