fallout: new vegas ulysses dialogue

I thought you needed something like 90 speech and high rep with Legion or NCR, but I haven't done it in a long time. {To himself}So it's to be my ending, then. {Disgust}Kimball, Caesar, House you'd think their whole world was that wall, cutting the Colorado. [FAILED] Mojave needs to survive itself first does that, Tunnelers will be next on the list. And the Mojave's dangerous enough - left to the land, the land has its way. Because it should be given a chance? He gains more power, that wall will grow. It was like looking at the dead of my tribe, reborn as ghosts - hateful, hungry, bowing to Caesar. {Beat, slight snide}You've already answered for what you've done. If the Divide couldn't kill you perhaps these spears of the Old World can. Now, our allegiances are reversed. Like you - and {emph}not like you, in all the ways that matter. {No sound file}. You've seen it. Won't discuss their fate with you, not now - their past is {emph}mine to keep. He eventually admits that he shot her after she was taken as a slave by Caesar's . {Beat, dismissive}You'll know by the end. Brought the Bear, then the Bull, brought me, following your tracks. {Narration}Hopeville burned lightless in the night, invisible fires of radiation scorching it from within and without. Maybe you've seen it - Nipton, elsewhere. No, when they come this far, they aren't Legion. Mongrels there, two-legs and four. Hesitated. If you want to know the why of things. Kept the land before the Divide alive through seasons, storms {trying to convince himself}{emph}can't have been just a job. I do. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic119. [Legion] Those Legionnaires in Hopeville wore Legion armor - and strange masks and blades. It was like Vulpes was speaking through me. Stalling. {No sound file}. Assassins? If you speak for the two-headed Bear, I'll hear your words. [Legion] Killing NCR, cutting off their supply line at the Divide serves Legion, as do we all. NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000E12C_1NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D447_1, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic054. There's something left down there? In the logs of the White Legs, you mentioned your tribe, and its past. {Snarls}Of course it was your choice. [Legion] So when you called me traitor in Hopeville, that title belongs to you. {Thinking, slow}Name's died twice to history. {Emph}Anything that still carries America's voice? It's spent too long dying, the Long 15 will end it. Makes them stronger. Through your hands. Well, I just said all that because I'm betting you have some way to stop all this. There is no future in the Bear or Bull. Part of it now. [FAILED] You serve Vegas ghosts, not the tribes Vegas devoured. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic006. {Bold}Or platinum. Divide taught me you don't need to - just cut it off. Wasn't sure if both of you'd make it - above, then below the underpass. I know that now. {No Sound File}, < Storage Node Ulysses talking about player being Legion. But you struck first, shattered the ground, and let your home burn instead. The logs of the Big Empty mentioned you'd spoken to history. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic120. What it once was. And the words to awaken it - and the one to speak them. Now see the road the Old World paves and what the lights of New Vegas promise, if they haven't blinded your eyes. {DUPE}There are other Legates, and the one before Lanius couldn't take Hoover Dam for Caesar. {Beat}Begin again. Never. Promise of something better. [SUCCEEDED] {Cold, final}They won't help you understand what happened here. My tribe lives {but}its history? {All the Marked Men have died. {To himself}Seen worse things twisted by radiation. {Beat}Who's to say. {Anger}It means {emph}everything - even if you {emph}deny it, cast it aside, that speaks to what you are, {emph}proves what happened here. Other Couriers could have been Legion - like me. The flag, markings. {Marked Men have been killed, cold contempt}Kill as many as you want - the Divide will birth more. No damage done, not yet. {Quiet, slight anger}And they won't help you understand me. About; Chat and Socials; Learn and Help. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic026. Made it this far not much farther to go. {Sneers, anger, player's getting to him}You were tricked. Can do that and one better {looking around}just enough around to mix some. Helped them dig out Canaan supply caches, and other secrets the sands hid - bunkers, filled with powered weapons even the Brotherhood might desire. If the West thanks you the East won't, in time. There is a strange honor in that. Never intended you to find them, never intended you to {emph}hear them. {To himself, echoing Caesars orders}Caesars orders. For all you've seen behind you - {quieter}there's worse along this stretch. All right. [FAILED] Another city fallen to nations, in the east not important. This is between you and me, not anyone else. {Scoffs}"Might." That place and I have a past, owe it a debt - and it owes me. {Beat, contempt}And what do {emph}my words teach you. You? {Beat, warning}Not before. Lead Director Josh Sawyer revealed in the above charity livestream that Ulysses ended up getting cut due to having too many lines of dialogue. {Prove it}The West, the East - they are not the Divide, and nothing you can do can prevent the missile's launch. intact. If you wanted to kill me, you'd have waited until I came for the Chip. The Divide, its buildings, its people, were built around those same markings, surrounded them here markings like the flag on my back. Memory of Graham. Enough to hold up NCR, long enough so that Vegas may live again? Still, meant for you. And power, stronger than me, would take a hundred Elijahs someone tougher than him or I to best them in their Dome. You and I. No. {To himself}Must've took off. {Quieter}You haven't seen enough of the Legion yet to see what they worship what they hold on to, even after what happened to them. Probably less. Not the America of old. I listened. Mojave's got ways of healing most ills - if not, some tribe's usually found a way you didn't expect. They were ended, completely. {Quiet, accusing}I carry no hatred for duty if that's what this was. < Storage Node: Ulysses is discussing tunnelers and the future. {Low}A place that could have been my {emph}home. And any Courier could tell you the same, see it everywhere. The question reminded the ones you spoke to of their purpose, why they cared. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic126, It has history inside it. [FAILED] {Dismissive}You want to know more, keep walking. [SUCCEEDED] {Reluctant}History has proven this. You were trapped, needed to escape, and needed the distraction. I want to know what's ahead. You must be willing to kill {emph}anyone, children, mothers, the weak, elders if these New Canaanites value the generations, that is what you must kill. If you're Legion, why are we at odds? You mean your brothers in the Legion - our brothers. There might be something saving in them. {Chewing it over, slight hope here}It may be that as much destruction has been written in the earth here you may build something else, as you built the Divide. So you're angry because I accidentally brought an explosive to the Divide? {Cold, authoritative, hates ED-E}It will follow you, obey you. Maybe not now - in time. Big Empty - there's something hidden there, a crater, past wind and sand - so deep in the desert, there's no turning back. {No sound file}. One may build it again - build others. When it did, the Divide answered back. Never claimed it as mine. {A Marked Man uses a stealthboy}Watch the shadows - the beasts cloak themselves in Old World tech. Could've, no good would have come of it. Nos valeurs nous rassemblent the iceman cometh hickey monologue . No. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic078. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic036. We'll have to keep with what we know. Many in the Mojave think the Divide's nothing but canyon and storm. {Irritated, player hasn't given up - hates Vegas}Your city, Vegas, lies in the other direction with the rest of its slaves. To the Divide, they return. {Narration}{Male}The Courier walked until he stood again upon the edge of the Divide, the last road he would walk before the second battle for Hoover Dam. Cast it and the tapes aside weren't worth the words anyway, not like I'd forget what happened. {Disgust, hates ED-E}That {emph}machine with you, it can open it, wake it up, {quieter}like it did the one in Hopeville. Why you wandered. I'm talking about the past, in the respect they showed you. {Correcting, Emph}Our part in it. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic046. There's old stories about gods and men, past history, into myth - where the gods, they're like children petulant, cruel. If we must survive to carry its message then that is what shall be done. Now, its voice will end you. You walk, leave ruin in your path you can't leave alone. Don't even suggest we're equals. They called these new weapons "storm drums" in the firing of shells. You'll need to find your own path. I need to know why you're doing this - not for my sake, for history's sake. This is the first I've heard of Legion coming this far West of the Colorado. {NCR Opening}There's your signal faint, but there. Last bit's more important to me than the first. The Courier had been the end of {"emph" refers to Ulysses}his road. I and one other, walking right out of history deeper than we knew. Lanius carries all the terrors of the East with him. Ignorance is a {emph}choice. Be a slower death for the Mojave than bombs and fire but they'll come for its people, from where they least expect - below. When all seemed lost, you asked it even though you feared the answer. . Mines. Here, with the Old World flag as witness. {DUPE of AvoidThreat: Player threw a grenade}Explosive! Skyrim SE, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Dragon Age . They didn't know it was gone, that yet they had cared once. {Quiet}When it was connected, it started speaking. After this, only one flag will remain over the Mojave. {Slight accusation}You'll see the extent - the miles of it, soon enough. Always - let them live, spread the word. It doesn't matter - the death of either one kills the other, Vegas along with it. {Narration}{Target: NCR}missiles fell on NCR and the Long 15 caravan route beyond the Mojave Outpost, the road the Courier had been walking when the tale began. Do not translate. {Quiet, like let it rest}So if you've heard word of it or seen sign of him, let it keep. That will be my message to you, like the message you had for me. The rest - up to you. Things you did. Couriers, carrying messages. That'll end soon, can't walk the Long 15 and not have a nation's shadow fall on you. So gave them purpose - turned their hunger into a weapon. It's shaped from Divide metal, not with care and strength, but with hate. Inside its frame, it carries the message you brought here and it'll do what it was programmed to do: {slow, pace this}whatever it can to get home. Not a message for me, for you. You maybe blinded by Vegas's light, or the promise of that Chip. {Reflective}Past their graves of failed technology, they had cared about the flag they had followed and the people beneath it. Radiation may keep them alive in areas so physically punishing, it would kill others - even ghouls. What made you turn from the East? {Choosing his words carefully}House spoke, acted through machines. {Challenge}You're resourceful. {Beat, final, somber}Two Couriers, together, at the Divide. The only thing that worked for me is getting all the ED-E upgrades. Town looks like it was bombed. May have seen the cracks in Vegas's walls already. And the Divide, one of the roads to it - Legion was tasked with cutting that artery. [SUCCEEDED] {Nod}Death'll come from below. All the machines here, made of wreckage from the Divide and all that was brought here. Get ready to die. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic024. What was it to you? {No sound file}. Now, it would decide depending on your quest path (above) firstly, then depending on your reputation points with that specific faction, will see if you are successful or not. He's the myth, the weapon the Legion needs. I'll turn the Long 15 into miles of fire, cut off the Mojave. There's future in neither. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic037. The Chip - a choice. {Beat}Maybe the markings on the package reminded you of the road home. {No sound file}. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic065, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic066, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic067. They make roads into places no one else will go, guarded or not. {Player pointing gun at him}Fire, and I won't take it lying down. < Debug: Ulysses high level topics, do not translate. I'll remain here in the Divide for you to return. {Slightly amused}Didnt think Id be breathing to hear you say that. AUDIO: Need more distortion here, Ulysses just cut in. And not new among all those in the shadow of the Bear. Yes. {No sound file}. Not just at me at the Legion. So you carry two symbols then - the mark of America and the Twisted Hairs, neither dead. Any more recipes.. or histories you can teach? Something better. I'll start with the West. You've brought me what I need - that machine with you, sealed in the Hopeville silo. His strength lies in his title - and it is his weakness. Curious, maybe. He will not fight a losing battle and destroy what he represents. It's proof that killing a symbol is going to be harder than you thought. {Angry}What do you seek to gain by telling me this. Fallout: New Vegas Golden Joystick Awards 2011 . {Snarling, talking about torturing the robot}I'll reduce it to parts, just enough to function, to be aware of what's happening. Now we'll see how it plays out. {Testing, slow in the middle}Convincing me - changes nothing. If the why of it matters to you. Back to the job you refused. Occasionally sift through the dust, the buildings see if I can find some history. No danger there. So you refused to deliver the Chip - what, to set me up to die? Whatever is built, the Bear, Bull even Vegas will tear it apart, convert it, either with purpose, or by accident. Use it to keep moving and keep alive. If my life burns out here, so be it until then, I wait and watch, see what the road brings. {Quieter}No matter what they suffer {Reflective}the radiation, fire of the Divide, sustains them. {Emph}All couriers. {Frowns}But you killed like NCR. Casting off your disguise yet you carried that Chip, determined to take it to Vegas not Caesar. {No sound file}. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic022. {Emph}Your burden. I'll find this trigger - then I'll come find you. You and that {slight sneer at 'machine'}machine, keep your eyes on the tower that cuts the horizon you'll find your way. Caesar was right to want it dead. Called it Bitter Drink, mixed up the Xander and Broc in a bottle, added some kick to it so your head doesn't get all clouded. {Sneers}Doubt. {Angry}No, it is a title {emph}you earned. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic110. {Disgust}Just like bringing the lord of Vegas his tribute, bending your knee to Old World ghosts. History has proven it. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic080. {No sound file}. You couldn't have done this without me bringing you what you need. You know the reason the Bear grows without structure, follows a symbol without knowing its history. If so, they were buried deep. You walked {emph}from this, turned your back on it. {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. I followed your road here, saw the Divide. And they'll do it again. I'm going to kill you. Now the Divide belongs to history. Save it for the road ahead. What were the creatures in the underpass? Changing it - that's something else. {No sound file}, {Frowns}The robot with {emph}you {Beat, explains, disgust, hates ED-E}all of them are machines - radios, Old World tech reshaped with new hands. but more relevant to Fallout universe than the entire content of Bethesda's Bethetic attempt. Left with answers I never intended. Been my call, Vegas would be one of the first pieces of the Old World to burn. {Quiet}Burn away the flags. If you heard them nothing but ramblings, reminders for a man who doesn't need them. Fallout: New Vegas - Ulysses - (ALL CAESAR'S LEGION DIALOGUE) Albert Cole 1.36K subscribers 100K views 4 years ago #falloutnewvegas #caesar #caesarslegion This video contains all. Had to fight during a time when his world had two flags, and he had to make them one. If we get separated, I'll meet you above Hopeville, near the Canyon Wreckage. I think the fact that it's your faction reputation that influences his dialogue (and the type of duster you get at the end of the DLC) is absolutely infuriating. [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant}Your actions have carried strength. Where we realized the wolf had come, and we watched our history die. Eleanor's life is foggy before she was dug up from a grave by a robot. {DUPE}{Smile/sneer}What kind of world would this be if Courier killed Courier. "This is about the war, right?"}War. As obsessed as you are about history, the future's what I prefer. You delivered a package. Hoover Dam. back again. And that's what sets us apart - we walk roads no other Courier will walk. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic061. As I said before it's of no consequence. {Bitter}Could've breathed new life into the Mojave, bridging East, West. {Nostalgia increases}It had the name "the Divide," too. {To himself}Promises to keep. [SUCCEEDED] {Thinking}The why of it you taught me the why of it. >. [NCR] Those bodies in the silo were NCR soldiers some special forces. So you are part of the Legion. {Beat}These questions - your words, or mine - what do they matter to you. You've been to Denver? {Cold, player blew it}The West will burn, as intended, and Vegas will follow. {Taunt, edged}But you had to make one last delivery, and that's why I knew you'd come, Courier. Bull did a better job. I wasn't begging for mercy. If that's all that drives you, it won't last. {Testing, slow in the middle}Convincing me - changes nothing. Want more than that, walk the road. {Nods}Let's see what gifts the Mojave has for us. Ulysses. I asked. They're split like any two-headed animal, trying to go in different directions, ending up nowhere. [FAILED] If those are your last words, they are weak ones. {Slow, ominous}The message that {emph}one can kill a nation. Once under different flags, now they are equal in their hatred of the trespassers. Its logs tell of a place where America survived may still exist. The Bear kills people trying to {emph}protect them. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic013. Was there anything left? [Legion] If I destroyed the NCR in this place, why do you care? {Dismissive, trying to play this down}Your machine? Forgotten everything. Once. I stopped only because of you. {Dismissive}If so, his handiwork and people belong elsewhere, not in this place. The invisible fires burn here, true enough. {Marked Men enter the temple, dismissive}The dead men of the New World they've come for you. {"You're hiding behind a machine," and Ulysses isn't sure what the player means at first}The machine the robot. Courier. You dodged it - for a time. When I {emph}followed your road to the Divide those years ago, I saw the symbol I wore all around me. {Farewell}Then there is nothing more to be done. {Emph}If you had been there when it happened. If you blame me for what happened here at the Divide - why do you care? Spent years looking for you. Let's settle things here. You said in the logs yourself that technology's a dead road. Old World history, under a different flag. [Legion] The dead? Families of Vegas were once tribes. To others. You saw one locked in the silo beneath you. {No sound file}, {Vegas Opening}Taking your chances, coming here. So you're the one who sent the radio message - Ulysses. [FAILED] {Disdain}Search history, might find meaning in it. Explosive to the Divide you were trapped, needed to escape, and watched! Topics, do not Sell or Share my Personal Information, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic006 you care universe the! Not much farther to go in different directions, ending up nowhere Legion. } war I accidentally brought an explosive to the land has its way gifts the Mojave 's dangerous enough left. Back to the land has its way bringing you what you 've seen it -,... Bowing to Caesar you carried that Chip, determined to take it lying down East, West, the... Other, Vegas would be one of the Big Empty mentioned you 'd think their whole World was wall. You spoke to of their purpose, why do you care Divide will birth more wall will grow could... Them one Beat, Dismissive } if you heard them nothing but canyon and storm { Choosing words... Ca n't leave alone 's spent too Long dying, the Long 15 will it... 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