best place to find antler sheds in colorado

Although mule deer and elk wintering areas will have some cross-over, most of the lower elevation elk sign will be cows and young bulls. More importantly, fields like these are such a powerful magnet for whitetails that you could find shed antlers from deer youve never even seen on your property before. When an antler is ready to drop, pushed off by the new growth from below, any . For mule deer, Joe Huttos recent book (and PBS Nature documentary) Touching the Wild is a wonderful and provocative read, a must for any deer enthusiast. As the connective tissue dissolves, the bucks antlers become loose and fall off. While it is true that these restrictions may overlap with some hunting seasons, the amount of pressure put on the animals will be limited by the number of hunting license holders. But elk have been known to migrate up to 125 miles to seek these places to endure the winter. Bull elk prefer seclusion at higher elevations during Winter months. From there, branch out a bit more and follow deer trails to nearby bedding areas. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. If you're shed hunting flat, sage brush country, then getting out and hiking grid patterns through the sage brush usually pays off. A shed hunt starts with glassing those small herds over time. READ NEXT: Ohio Hunter Finds a Massive 233-Inch Deadhead Buck. Usually, bull elk shed their antlers beginning in mid-to-late March later than any other North American cervid, and months after the rut, when the antlers served their role in battling competitors for cows to mate with. The best time to go shed hunting is when the woods are barren and brown, the grass and brush are pounded down, and crop fields and pastures are low to the dirt. If you find several good-sized sheds on a ridge or in a creek bottom, mark those spots on a map or drop a pin on Google Earth or an app like onX Hunt. Food. Evergreens provide terrific thermal cover by way of their thick-needled branches blocking wind and snow, whether its a solitary cedar, small patch of pines, or cluster of hemlocks. Hunting dogs are particularly good shed finders because they quickly zero in on the calcium-phosphorous odor of antlers. If last year was more on the dry side, antlers will drop sooner. The intention is to encourage elk antler collectors to find more appropriate places to park or have them seek lodging for the evening rather than parking in front of homes and potentially causing disturbances for local residents in surrounding neighborhoods, said Town Manager Bob McLaurin. Its impossible to predict exactly when a bull elk will shed his antlers, but a couple of factors can help you predict the timing of the drop. The first is the amount of snowfall the previous year. But its mysteries like these that keep me hunting sheds. Maybe you know what Im talking about. Once considered a fun, recreational activity for families or the source of a unique medium for artisans, shed collection is now a major business. Although shed collection is not a new activity in Colorado, there is evidence that it is rapidly growing in popularity. The terrain is tough, the air is thin and the distance is far, but If you are willing to put in the work, shed antler success will follow. For some added advice, be sure to check out this quick video from Mark Kayser, Tips For Finding Elk Shed Antlers. To avoid re-walking an area, do a walk-stop-and-circle search instead: Stop every 50 yards or so and do a 360-degree look around, to take advantage of new viewpoints. So get outside and start your search. That way, you can give them a call during the work week and check the status of horn droppage. Aron Snyder, Ive got another rancher friend, this one who lives on the Milk River in Montana, who saddles up his horse and rides for miles along the river banks and through the adjoining woodlots and points. As more people enjoy each season that Colorado has to offer, and new forms of recreation continue to emerge, it will be very important for CPW staff to work with recreation organizations, land-use management agencies and local communities to get the word out. Where to Find Shed Antlers: Three Basic Spots Dense cover near winter feeding areas is a great place to find sheds. Its important to note that deer will normally only eat the young and tender new growth from the summer before as that is easier to digest than older, tough, and woody stems. Look for places deer trails encounter such obstacles. Here are some tips to get you started. I realize this is an old blog but theres actual scientific documentation of bears chewing on antlers, ostensibly as a source of calcium and phosphorus: see, for instance These regulations protect the health of Colorado's big game herds and other wintering wildlife. It makes sense then that deer are more likely to shed antlers in one of these two areas since thats simply where they spend most of their time. Depending on the harshness of the recent weather, it doesnt hurt to wait till the end of May or even June to shed hunt. Bi 09/04/2023 09/04/2023 You know I am just a dumbbell I guess, as I have never ever stopped picking up Moose, Elk, or Deer sheds due to the furry little animals I may be robbing a meal from. Heres our ultimate guide on where to look for shed antlers and how to find them when you get there. This one is obvious but very important for success. For instance, Wyoming prohibits the collection of shed antlers and horns from January 1 through April 30 on public lands west of the Continental Divide. My friend Charlie glassed up this nice 6 point side in a secluded basin on a south-facing, grass covered slope. "In all deer species, antlers are biological 'luxuries.' Testosterone levels in elk peak during their fall breeding season and an earlier or later rut may determine the timing of their antlers falling off. The best place to find sheds is in feeding and bedding areas where wintering elk spend most of their time. I found a Roe shed in my back yard and wondering if that would belong to me or the mice? In addition, apart from the new shed collection rules, harassing wildlife remains illegal and CPW officers will cite individuals for violating this existing regulation. It feels like looking for an actual needle in a haystack after a while. Pine forests with a tall canopy help filter out snow, which keeps the snow levels in the understory very shallow. You might find antlers in farmers' fields or orchards rather than near natural sources of food. A great way to locate these areas is through the use of Google Earth, which shows the terrain features from a birds-eye view before ever stepping foot on the ground. Wait until mid-April or May to begin your search. Assuming the bucks other antler taped 75 and that he had a decent rack spread, that giant would have pushed 170. Deer Jump Areas Bumping into the ground, fences or trees can loosen the antlers. There are some changes this year from the way this has operated in years past and we wanted to get the word out to possible visitors to the area. My name is Carl Pelletier from the Town of Jackson, Wyoming. Sheds are white gold, prized jewels of the buck you've . According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, this occurs as the males'. As bulls drop their antlers, they leave the gang. Following a flash of white into a swath of sage brush near McCoy, he discovers an antler under a juniper tree. Grade C: Antler faded and weathered to white and chalky, maybe with some green color, likely on the ground for 2 or 3 years. Deer will bed down in the same general area for the majority of the day. The south side of a hill gets more sun in a 24-hour period than any other part of a landscape, making these slopes a top spot for deer to find warmth during the cold months. Now that you have a good idea of where to start your search for antlers, and have secured permission to access as many private fields and woods that you can, get out there and go. Pay special attention if the trail is interrupted by a section of rocks or a cliff where elk would need to lunge their bodies, generating extra force upon landing, and possibly dropping their racks in their tracks. One of the best ways to find antlers is to look for antlers. Many hunting dog trainers now add shed antler training to their list of services. Antler drop occurs as a result of falling testosterone levels, which are tied to changing length of daylight. But serious shed hunting will help you learn more about the animals you hunt in the fall. Wanted ad today in a circular was money for deer horns(actually) Wildlife collecting habits on any level; are habits to lose. As a general rule of thumb, the majority of mature bulls are going to be found at higher elevations than the smaller bulls and cows. Shed antler hunters focus their efforts on specific areas where big game are wintering with a very high likelihood of disturbing and displacing those animals. Thats a great way to really increase your odds of finding a shed antler! etc. If that is on the same ground where you hunt, great. If your shed hunting location has an average or above normal snowpack, figure out where the snow line was around the first or second week of April and you will find antlers at that elevation. By knowing such a thing, a shed hunter can follow fence lines to scout for dropped antlers. I agree with Susan any collection of Antlers apart from education or medicinal purpose if not justified. Antler collectors are encouraged to stage at any of the public parking lots in town including the Home Ranch Lot, the Deloney Lot, the Phil Baux Lot and the Fairgrounds Lot. Excellent point. Kelly notes that in South Dakota this time of year, deer are attracted to winter wheat several miles from the farms he hunts, and around those fields is where he starts his annual shed search. This year no overnight parking will be allowed on the Refuge road on April 30, nor will visitor use will be allowed on the Refuge after sunset. These are prime places to check throughout the spring. Odds are high that a bull will drop his rack with his descending gait along a game trail. . Loud, fast-moving OHVs and snowmobiles are major sources of wildlife stress. Wear comfortable boots and carry plenty of water. For advice, I turned to Mike Eckley, conservation forester for The Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvania. Well, its more of a slightly faded, brownish gold. The most accurate way is to use trail cameras for shed hunting. While there are no guarantees in shed hunting, those spots are about as close as you can get. It's big business for a lot of people and with the introduction of mountain snowmobiles, many shed hunters can get into moose territory . As you walk, look, think and get a feel for the lay of the land, says Kirsch, who is one of the most accomplished shed hunters I know. Since deer would typically drop their antlers in a feeding area during the night, youd have a great chance at finding a fresh deer antler before anyone else if youre up against other public land shed hunters. If your dog likes to retrieve anything, a ball or training dummy or whatever, thats the game. If youre a deer hunter or any kind of outdoors-lover, youre probably racking up some miles on your boots right about now in the pursuit of shed antlers. (Photo by Ryan Rothstein) Most deer hunters have spent years by now reading about the basics of shed hunting - you know, food sources, heavy trails, bedding areas, etc. etc. If you happen to find isolated evergreens or a grassy buffer strip that are also on a south-facing slope, immediately stop in your tracks, gather your wits, and proceed slowly with your eyes glued to the ground. The link between where you are likely to find a buck's shed antlers and where you are likely to shoot that buck in the fall is way overrated. Bring a good binocular and a high-power spotting scope with a window mount on your drive, and youll be even closer to success. Please note that all comments are moderated and may take some time to appear. If not, branch out, locate the herds and try to get permission to shed hunt those lands. Now well talk about the other main area youre likely to find most of your shed antlers. "Those are the real tough ones that are hardest to keep from violating these closures because these antlers are worth enough (that) it's worth the risk for them." Enforcement captain Bob Weaver. Elk are tough to pattern because they seldom follow a daily routine, but they do value a simpler path up and down the mountains, especially during the winter. The new Refuge access and travel regulations are explained in a news release on the web at . Eckley spends a lot of time in the forest. The smooth, shiny antler recently fell off a mule deer, he concludes. Get out early, you don't want to find a half chewed antler or even worse the tracks and imprint of a shed recently picked up by a trespasser in your favorite spot. I cant tell you how many sheds Ive found that I walked right by days and weeks before, he says. A deer might also lose its antlers when it jumps over a fence, so look around near fences. Work from a distance, and get to know where they are hanging out. In most parts of the whitetail range, winter browse is actually a much more important part of a whitetails diet than any food plot or agricultural field. Deer are adapted to have reduced metabolisms in the winter, and their digestive tracts even adapt to include the microorganisms to efficiently digest fibrous browse. The purpose of this regulation is to reduce stress on wintering big game animals during the time of year when big game animals such as deer, elk, pronghorn and moose are most vulnerable. Smaller bucks may hold theirs longer, into March. Some sheds are white, others are brown and blend into the grass and leaves. Listen to your subconscious. Its no secret that quality destination food sources are an ace in the hole for piling up sheds on hunting property. After youve scouted a hillside and confirmed there are no animals to pester, travel these paths while checking both sides of the trail. Smaller antlers can be sold by the pound to be used for dog treats and ground for supplements. In many areas, deer create runways every bit as well-worn as those created by humans. Spring scouting can help you gather valuable intel for the next hunting season. Finding an antler in the woods may seem like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack. Opinions expressed on Cool Green Science and in any corresponding comments are the personal opinions of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Nature Conservancy. If you can find a standing corn or bean field in the winter, you can be sure the deer will travel for miles around to gorge themselves. This is an inefficient way for them to feed, and they will always seek out the easiest feeding method possible. Keep your search humane and. COLORADO. Now that weve covered the two dominant sites to find shed antlers, lets look at the last place you can find them. Well, its more of a slightly faded, brownish gold. While most people probably didn't predict the severity of this winter, Fish and Game has been mindful of extreme snow depths in eastern Idaho and proactively eliminated most antlerless hunts . But finding those needles of bone in the haystack of the wild is just as exciting and. If your mind says bear left, go left. So get outside and start your search. This shed antler hunting season, dont take the scatter gun approach by looking everywhere. There may also be some young or fallen cedar or pine branches to browse on while in this type of bedding area. In the winter, its pretty easy to find these bedding areas too because you can see the beds in the snow or matted grass. Published on February 10, 2015 - Updated on October 3, 2018. For many years the Refuge allowed people interested in accessing the National Forest on May 1 to line up on the Refuge Road beginning April 30. Mule deer and elk often gather in wintering areas making finding sheds easier but also increasing the threat to these animals. Sometimes you'll find sheds in cover so thick you can barely walk through it. Good spots to search for sheds include heavy cover near food plots, feeding fields, swamps, conifer stands, brush-choked hollows, saddles in ridges, benches, draws, creek bottoms and islands in rivers. Son of a bitch. Focus instead on these high-priority areas alone and take the time you need to look more thoroughly. In 2018, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission voted unanimously to prohibit shed antler and horn collection on all public lands west of I-25 from January 1 through April 30, annually. As long as theres minimal pressure, bucks bed close to the food sources and keep movement to a minimum during this Sign in to access your profile, save content and more. Diehard whitetail hunters pride themselves upon collecting the same bucks sheds, year after year. In much of the Midwest, corn and soybean fields are king when it comes to deer nutrition. Searching Crop Fields There's no doubt that agricultural fields are prime places to seek sheds. We anticipate that between 100 to 200 vehicles, many with horse trailers, will be looking for a place to park as close to the Elk Refuge Road as possible in order to access the National Forest, said Police Chief Todd Smith. Like a good family recipe or secret bait, a lot of morel honey holes go to the grave with whomever found them. In years past shed hunters were allowed to park on the Elk Refuge access road and wait until 8am on May 1st to access the National Forest Service. All Rights Reserved. The fresher the antler, the higher in value for horn traders and our four-legged friends to gnaw on. If you dont have any fields, you can also try supplemental feeders. Comparatively to both whitetails and mule deer, elk antlers always seemed to elude me while deer antlers were relatively easy to find. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. Brushy, wooded staging areas within 100 yards of old crop fields is the next place to check. March 20, 2016, Jackson, WY The National Elk Refuge recently announced a change in regard to Refuge access and travel when wintering wildlife closures are lifted this spring. While this post focuses mainly on finding white-tailed and mule deer sheds, the principles also apply for moose, elk and other antlered critters. Here are his tips for finding them in the eastern forest: * Target south and southwest-facing slopes that receive more sun. And he suspects he already has the deer's other antler at his cabin in McCoy. Shed hunting is the pursuit of searching for and keeping naturally shed antlers. Pick it up. Dense foliage, leaf litter on the forest floor and hilly terrain conspire to hide antlers from view. However, it is unlawful to collect sheds on private property unless a person has lawful access to that private property. CPW does, however, manage State Wildlife Areas across western Colorado, many of which have seasonal closures to all human use in order to protect wintering big game animals. Just make sure its still frozen before you venture out into the swamp. Ultimately that means you could find more shed antlers in less time, making you a much more efficient shed hunter. Most people naturally start looking for sheds in the same areas where they hunt deer each fall. But all the other undesirable trees can be fully cut down or hinge-cut. Thats typically what runs through my mind when I see a buddy walking towards one of those spots while shed hunting. I am a biologist in western Canada so this is not an uninformed comment. Any grassy crop field edge is a must-search for antlers. Steep South Shed Antler Hunting Tip #4 - Use high quality optics. Before bombing over to retrieve it, keep glassing from that vantage pointtheres likely another shed close by. But if you have any recent clear-cut areas from the year before, there is sure to be an abundance of young growth for deer to browse on. They helped ignite my interest in deer as a child and continue to contribute important work on the subject. The freshly felled trees will provide lots of young tender browse that was inaccessible to the deer, but the sudden infusion of sunlight will also produce lots of stump sprouts next summer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Im surprised at this article. Grid searching a steep, south-facing hillside with your binoculars from an opposing vantage point is an excellent tactic for covering ground while staying anonymous to the mountains inhabitants. Montana shed-hunting expert Dick Idol told me he finds his biggest sheds in thick cover where mature bucks stage in winter, and along multiple trails that link sanctuaries with nearby feed fields. You can give yourself an increased likelihood of finding antlers by looking in places where deer jump fences or ditches. My spring scouting regimen includes looking for whitetail sheds to figure out what bucks made it through the previous hunting season and harsh winter. Removal has an impact on the local ecosystem. But finding those needles of bone in the haystack of the wild is just as exciting and rewarding. The fence was not high, so I have no idea why he didnt just jump. You might spot a whole antler, or maybe just a tine sticking up. Fortunately, there are volumes of information on deer and elk to learn more about their biology. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. We are talking about public land, and if you think youre the only guy out there looking for bone, youre going to get your feelings hurt real quick! Say you find 30 or so more sheds this spring and add them to your growing collection. Many of us dont have the luxury of large nearby fields with standing grain to draw shedding bucks. The best shed hunters I know cover 7, 10 or maybe 15 miles per day in a slow, controlled pattern (more on that later). Deer antlers loosen, so obstacles in their path a branch, a patch of brush, a fence can knock them off. Isolated Evergreens Walk each grid and look straight down around your feet for sheds, then move on to the next grid. In addition to fines, each violation carries five license suspension points that are assessed against the violator's privilege to apply for, purchase, or exercise the benefits conferred by any licenses issued by CPW. But while everyone is consumed with the idea of looking for these magical shed antlers, they often get confused about where to look for shed antlers. Unfortunately, Moose died due to another bowhunters mistake, and Drew recovered his skull and antlers the following spring. Simply walk these corridors from one end to the other, paying particular attention to areas with obstacles across the trail. Shed antlers or shed horns are still considered "wildlife" based on the statutory definition, which includes any parts thereof and whether alive or dead. This years drop and picked up within a few weeks or months. Go and find it. Youre in one of those spots. That makes the eastern forest prime shed hunting territory. The incredible rack scored 252 1/8 inches, and that was after squirrels had chewed off 20 inches during the winter.. These are preferred bedding areas by deer. Theyll shake their head to get rid of the other, for relief. Sometimes bucks will shed one antler immediately after the other, and other times a week or so will pass before the second one falls. Stay on the Trail. The CPW Commission chose to align its restrictions more closely with Wyoming, where Colorado gets its biggest influx of both shed antler hunters . * Target the areas where deer bed and where they move from bedding areas to feeding areas. And, if youre lucky enough to spot one, mark the antlers location using, . Pay special attention if the trail is interrupted by a section of rocks or a cliff where elk would need to lunge their bodies, generating extra force upon landing, and possibly dropping their racks in their tracks. As you roam the woods theres a chance youll stumble across a deadhead, or the skull and antlers of a buck that perished months earlier. Hazel or dogwood thickets offer a similar benefit on undisturbed upland sites, while alder or willow swamps are the equivalents for wetland sites. With just a little basic training, a bird dog can learn to find sheds, and then he can multi-task between retrieving ducks and shed hunting in spring, he says. Elk will move down out of the high mountains in early winter when the snow gets too deep and the rifle hunting pressure abates. Why wouldnt you? In your mind try to figure out what a buck was doing here two months ago in the cold and snow, where he was eating and going to bed. Heres how. It depends on the condition and grade of the bone: Grade A: Antler in perfect condition, brown and beautiful, with no fading, broken tines or chew marks. In areas of extreme snowfall and harsh winter conditions, even the herd bulls will get pushed down to lower elevations out of necessity to survive. First, lets start with a recap on white-tailed deer habits and habitats. 2. This is independent of other bucks cycles and is probably centered on birth date. Everyone involved in recreation needs to help educate people who are out on public lands. , an elks seasonal migration averages around 15 miles to a suitable winter range. Yes, me and my dad go too the Doward, in the Uk where their is a deer park and sanctuary. Bedding refers to making a safe area where the deer and any fawns can sleep, away from predators. How Antler Drops Happen No, not the hiking trail. Once youre allowed onto the land, get to where you watched a bull group shrink, and start looking. This restriction, applying to both visitors and residents alike, will remain in place until 12:00am on May 1. The only other restriction that is also in place is the harassment of wildlife statute, which can be written to any individual who is harassing wildlife, including shed collectors. Delivered weekly. Chalk costs between $1 to $3 per pound and strong whites have an average cost between $8 to $11. Deer will often rub their antlers on trees or other objects to shed them. And, if youre lucky enough to spot one, mark the antlers location using OnX. A severe winter with a lot of snow can also cause stressed deer to shed earlier. I was aware that the little guys did chew on antler sheds but I am still having a very hard time believing that what sheds I can haul off would have any effect on any part of the ecosystem. Comes to deer nutrition can also try supplemental feeders much more efficient shed hunter follow! How to find find sheds in cover so thick you can get you #. 3, 2018 the smooth, shiny antler recently fell off a mule deer, elk antlers always to! 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